Break up

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Elliot came by and congratulated us by defeating the predasite.

"I'm gonna walk to the cafe...". Everyone just stared at me, wondering what to do...

As I got away from them I heard someone call my name...(Oh no...)

Mark appeared in front of my eyes with sorrow in his eyes...(I know where this heading to...)


(Time..7:40 PM -Turning Dark)

"Hi Mark..."

"Zoe...Listen..." He began to trail off in his sentence.

(I knew it...)

Mark took a long deep sigh and began to speak...."We should stop"

"What do you mean?" I asked sadly...

"I don't want to see you anymore...and i'm done helping you guys!" His voice became more louder and angrier by the second.

I looked down...Cold tears touched my cheeks and fell to the ground. "I..see" I muttered.

"Don't make it hard as it is Zoe"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I yelled.

"If, if you don't want to see me anymore then why are you still here..." I clenched my fists together, tears storming out of my eyes.


"I SAID GO!" I shouted. He looked at me stunned and walked away...It started to pour, I didn't care if my clothes got wet...or if I get a cold. I fell onto my knees and sat there.

"DANG IT!", I started to curse under my breath.

Cars past by, couples walking with their umbrellas...And me, sitting all alone. I took out my phone and looked at the time, covering my hand over the screen so it wouldn't get wet.

"Crap i'm 5 minutes late...". I placed my phone in my pocket and slowly got up. My heart was aching so much...I didn't realize breakups would feel like this, I mean I've been expecting it but never realized how it felt.

"I hate late shifts.." I whined.

I walked slowly in the rain, mixing my tears with every drop....Hiding my sorrowful eyes under my bangs as I walked to Cafe Mew Mew.

"Strawberry!" I heard someone call to me. I peeked up and Saw Elliot (Ryuo) running up to me with an umbrella in his hand.

I stopped dead in my tracks..And so did he.

"Where the hell were you?" He shouted.

I didn't respond, I clenched my trembling fists again.

"Whats wrong?" He asked as he knelt down to reach my eye level. "Your crying" he said flatly.

"N-no i'm not" I muttered.

"What happened" His tone got dead serious.

I gulped, "Nothing!", "It's none of your concern anyway!" I shouted...Tears were streaming down my face again. Without realizing I leaned on Elliot's chest and started to cry in his shirt. "Zoey..." He muttered.

I gasped and pushed myself away. "I-I'm sorry!" I quickly said as I was waving my hands around like crazy.

He sighed, "Come on or i'm going to reduce your paycheck AGAIN".

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