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My eyes widened. "Dren!"

"Hello there kitty, thought you seen the last of me, Hahahaha!"

"What do you want from me?" I questioned harshly. 

"Aw.. I just came to see you and you're acting so mean" Dren whined.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Well we are in space" Dren giggled.


"Reasons that I will tell you later!" Dren wandered off across the metal room. "I know your friends are going to somehow get here, but that's okay"

What is he scheming? 

I soon realized I was chained to a wall, no wonder why my arms felt tired. Dren left the room. It got somewhat dark.. Eventually he came back with a container of something. I saw red.
"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"N-Not really no.." I mumbled.

"Aw what a shame. I have some strawberries..." he sighed as he opened the container. I stared at the bright red fruit but shook my head. I can't trust him no matter what. If I could only reach my power pendant then I could get out of here. 


Elliot sat back in a chair, chewing a pen. Wesley entered the room, with a piece of paper in his hand. "Did you find anything?!" Elliot asked as he jumped out of his chair to face Wesley. 

The man nodded as he handed Elliot the paper. "These are the coordinates and ways to get in" Wesley said. 

"Tomorrow, first thing in the morning i'm getting the girls here. Is that teleporter eligible to work?"

Wesley nodded.


The two men went off to bed...........


Zoey stared at the dim room, her eyes were fulls of bags, the surrounding was black and blue. She was deeply tired but she could not fall asleep.

"I want to go home..." Zoey kept repeating this to herself many times, but she knew it would not help the case.

"Hello my Zoey kitty~ So now I will tell you why I have you here! Hehehe" Dren giggled as he flew into the room.

"What is it?" Zoey asked weakly.

"I'm going to marry you, and we will have children together!" Dren laughed.

"WHAT?!" Zoey gasped. She tried to force herself to get out of the chains but they were too strong. Dren pulled out a light pink wedding dress from behind. 

"No I don't want this! Let me go!" She cried. Dren shook his head.

Dren forcibly took of Zoey's clothes, exposing her pale skin. Tears streamed down her face as he began to trace her body. He slipped on the dress, tied Zoey's hair into pigtails then smiled. 


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