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"You think its funny? Huh?!", "Well..its hurts you idiot!". "HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH THINGS TO ME!".

"Your just a spoiled brat who gets what she wants because your the princess of the world, yes?". I slapped her again.

"Wanna go?" She asked.

I ignored her...though she darted up and tried to punch me, though somehow I managed to grab her fist and stopped her. She froze, not knowing what to do now.

"Your..eyes..." Corina muttered.  

"Zoey!" Elliot shouted angrily.

"I hate you...Corina...don't you ever put me on the spot like this again..". Tears stormed out of my eyes and onto the ground. 

"Why did I do that to her?!", "Why did I become so violent...".

"I don't care anymore!" I slammed my fists on the ground crying.

"Nngh!", "My leg....!". I quickly looked at my Mew Mew Mark and it was glowing brightly. " hurts!"."Agh..!"

For the whole night I had to deal with that unbearable pain...


Dawn broke...

And I, still in pain. Why is this happening to me? Tears of pain fell down my cheeks, making the pain hurt more. The light that surrounded my mark was increasing by the second, but then dimming after. That's when the pain starts...

I heard multiple doors opening and closing, and multiple voices outside in the hallway. I sat there on the bed holding my thigh. 

(Just take deep breathes....)

I calmed myself down and started to slowly get up. "I didn't realize I was still in my bathing suit...".

I slowly walked to my bag that was by the door and grabbed some clothes. I put on my pink tank top and my blue denim skirt. Then I put on a brown cardigan, I grabbed out my hand mirror and my brush. I brushed my hair calmly and then added my red ribbons.

After I was done brushing my hair, the vision from the past few days came back in my head...

Mark fighting with Elliot...Then Mark fights with me, causing me to get harmed in the process. Then, yesterday...I turned violent on Corina without realizing...I slapped my face and slid down the wall. "Whats wrong with me?" I muttered to myself.

"Hey wheres Zoey?" Bridget asked.

 "Psh who cares, she tried to kill me yesterday..." Corina hissed. "Well it's YOUR fault! You made her mad!" Kiki whined. "But its true on what happened." Corina replied. Everyone walked away from Corina and headed down stairs.

I shook my head and looked out of the window. (I can't look at them straight in the eye ever again)

I walked towards the window and opened it. I looked down to see how high the window is from the ground. "Heh, not far...". I swung my legs out of the window and leaped out. As always I landed perfectly on my feet, "Ah gotta love cat genes!".

I looked back at the window, thinking if i'm making a mistake, but my gut is telling me to leave...And I should for the best.

Not knowing where I am, or what the people is like here...I just walk down the path that leads me to somewhere, but not there.

Mew Mew Serenity [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now