Ultimate Mew Mew ._.

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"I see you actually found it!" The thing said in a dark scary voice. "Oh well, mine as well kill you" It chuckled.

My eyes widened as this beast charged at me. I looked down at the sword and grabbed it.

"No way..." Wesley and Elliot muttered. "Shes really...her...".

Red flames surrounded me, making it hard to see. My tail popped out and my ears were covered in flames, so it was hard to see them. My mark made an awful feeling, then a sharp pain went right down my leg like it was being cut open. "Agh!".

"Everyone stay back!" Elliot shouted.

The flames dimmed just a bit but it still surrounded me. I held the sword in my hands and made a stance where I was ready to kill. My target was that beast in the air. I ran with all my speed and then I jumped into the air and swung the sword rapidly.

"Feeling to kill, huh...Never thought crap would turn like this, am I right! Heh heh"....

(I get it now....From all the crap that happened...it triggered something, something I wasn't supposed to remember....)


"You really are her....Demon? Mew Mew? Both? Heh Heh..." The demon chuckled.

"Wesley, we need to find a way to calm her down....Now that her true powers awaken..." Elliot sighed.

"Wait whats going on? What happened to Zoey?!" Bridget asked nervously.

"Lets just say...shes the ultimate Mew Mew..." Elliot replied.

Note: I was watching Blue Exorcist yesterday so I got the idea of doing this XD

Wesley ran off to the car so he can drive back to the Cafe and get something they wish they weren't suppose to get....

I was standing there in front of this thing...Anger built inside of me. 

"Well why are you standing there looking so glum? Your suppose to attack me!" The beast shouted.

"Should we transform?" Renee asked. Elliot shook his head, "Zoey has to deal with this one..".

I felt my feet leave the ground and I was right in front of this demon. I held out the sword and slashed the beast from head to toe.

The demon made a horrible screech and then it vaporized into thin air, leaving smoke as its place. I landed on the ground softly and placed the sword back in its case...

(What just happened?), (This is a dream right?) 

I stood there shocked, still i'm confused on what was going on..."Elly, whats going on?" I turned around and everyone took a step back. "Everyone?"....No one bothered to say anything to me...

I heard a car honking, when I looked up Wesley was driving Elliot's red Porsche Boxster. A loud screech came from the car as it made a sharp stop to where we were. Once Wesley got out of the car, he was holding a box in his hand.

"ZOEY CATCH!" He shouted, then he threw the box at me.

I opened the box and there was a pendant inside...I looked at the sword then back to the pendant. I placed my hand on the pendant and placed it on my sword, the sword started to spew red flames everywhere.

Everything from my past..came into my vision. It just shot me just like that. From when I was born till now...even that same thing I encountered when I was walking towards Wesley...

A pinkish red beam shot right from my chest and soon it devoured me, no one could see me anymore, and I couldn't see them.

The light slowly dimmed, leaving a person surrounded in flames. I was in a hot pink skirt, and a red top with ribbons going down my stomach. Instead of my sandals being on my feet, dark pink boots with black ribbon took its place.

My hair turned hot pink like usual, though dark highlights were in it. As the wind started to dance in the air, my hair...my long flowing hair, to danced with the wind. My ears and tail were pretty normal I guess...Though the sword was getting blown away by the flames, or getting devoured by it...

The pendant that I once had turned into red ribbons that went down my sword.

("Lets just say...shes the ultimate Mew Mew...")

"The ultimate Mew Mew?" I muttered...



I collapsed to the ground and the same pain I felt this morning started again...but worse. I stared down at my leg and my eyes widened in fear. The mark...or whatever it is started to spread down my leg and all the way up to my face.

Note: Yo its me! Um...I know this is getting really crazy but I don't want to copy anyone, because every time I read a Tokyo mew mew fanfic its always the same thing, so I decided to make it more dramatic ^-^ IT WILL GET BETTER SOON TRUST MEEEEEEEE! :D Now back to the story :3

The flames vanished and I turned to normal,though the mark was still there, I was still scared, and nervous about the outcome of this...Whats going to happen to me? Will it be good or will it be bad? Will I be safe or will I not? Will everyone be safe or no?

I had so many questions spinning in my mind.

Elliot and Wesley started to walk slowly towards me.

"Your scared of me aren't you?" I asked.

They both froze. "I thought so...".

"Were not scared of you Zoey, its better to take caution, please understand" Wesley explained sweetly

"Those signals....they were demons, our soon to be enemies..", "Right?".

They both looked away, "Now that your true form is awaken, were going to have to take some caution until your powers settle in...." Elliot sighed sadly.

I looked towards the ocean, then to the girls...

"Nngh!", *Blagh!*

I coughed up a load of blood, my vision...it kept flickering to white then to reality. Memories...that I wasn't suppose to see, and I never remembered started to slowly appear in front of me.

My body went limp...and that was the end of me....

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