I-I-I I've got a migrane!

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I woke up again in the middle of the night. I felt like hurling again, my eyes felt heavy, and despite feeling sick I wanted to eat everything at the same time. "Morgan..?" Diego slurred, stirring from his slumber ever so slightly. I just kinda mumbled nonsense at him. "How's my little cupcake doing," he smirked, from the use of that ridiculous nickname. "I think I should go to the doctor...and maybe eat everything...and then barf up everything." I remarked, truly getting in touch with my thoughts. Diego kissed my forehead and got up. I guess that meant he had to get dressed. Soon enough he helped me up, "come on, I'm gonna take you to the doctors" he smiled, undressing me in a gentleman fashion. I let him do so and soon enough he was carrying me to his car. (I know technically Diego doesn't drive but shhhhhh!) Soon enough we got there and he did pretty much everything other than doing the sick thing. That was my job unfortunately. The doctor soon called us back.


"Hello Morgan! How are you today?" The nurse said cheerfully. I just kinda glared at her, I hate being mean to people but her cheer was pissing me off a bit and I wasn't gonna say a word for fear of them refusing me treatment. "She's just feels really sick" Diego pipped in.
"Ah okay.." The nurse wrote some shit down and turned to Diego rather than me this time.
"What kind of symptoms has she shown?"
"Her words to me this morning were, 'I want to eat everything, and then throw up everything.?'" He looked at me and I calmed a bit and nodded. "I have this terrible headache and a stomach ache, but I'm not sure if that's from hunger or puke or both even...?" I sighed.

The nurse stood there as if deep in thought. "Could you possibly manage a urine sample?"

"Maybe." I replied, taking the damn cup and hobbling to the bathroom.

~about an hour and a half later~

Diego sat up on the table next to me and I fell asleep on him. It's a good thing too since he was the one holding me up. The nurse walked in and I heard this happening in my subconscious.
Nurse: "should I come back later?"
Diego: "nah let her sleep..what's up? Is she okay?"
Nurse: "well I hate to say this, especially since she's unconscious, but..."
Diego: he held me a bit closer and a bit tighter, "what?" He pressed on.
Nurse: "Morgan here, is, um, going to be...a mommy" her voice trailed off.

I suddenly popped up "wHAT?!" I nearly shouted. I still laid on Diego, his hand got rather clammy and his heart began beating fast. He looked at me and with a shakey voice said, "I'm-I-I'm the dad-dd-dad-daddy......righ-t-t?"

I squeezed his hand and chuckled softly, "that or Jesus 2 is about to happen in my uterus." Me and Diego both started laughing. I was very stressed, I'm so tired, and angry, and hungry, and I don't really know what to do, so I laughed. Many questions ran through my mind, "what if I'm a bad mom? What if Diego doesn't want to be the dad? Oh god it's only been like 3?4? Dates...why do you hate me god? I didn't make you pregnant of the 3rd date...uhhhgggg..." As Diego sat there laughing I stared at him, he began to rub my tummy and I softened. Yeah okay I'm nervous but as Diego sat there laughing I couldn't help but start up the chuckles too. As someone once told me "laughter is the best medicine."

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