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Morgan's POV: it's been nearly 5 hours and I was starting now to get worried. Roni left her phone here and I knew she didn't take a cab because she didn't have her wallet either.
Diego has been trying to get me to sleep but even if I laid down I couldn't. I'd get up and start pacing again.
"Please be home soon..!" I mumbled to myself, watching the clock. I then heard mumbling outside the apartment door..was it Roni? I looked out the peep hole, sure enough she was outside, on her knight in shinning armor's back.
They're acting all cute and relationshippy.
She was receiving a piggy back ride and had her face nuzzled in his neck. They were about to come in so I hid behind the kitchen counter. The British dude fumbled in with Roni on his back.
He seemed to finish a sentence with "-and even to raxicocoricofallapatpourius*
and back!"
"Well I'd blow up a sun to say goodbye** and I'd love you all the way to meleyways***!" She piped in.

Oh lord. They're nerds.

I stood up from behind the counter and Roni caught me out of the corner of her eye.
"Horse! Mush," she pointed towards me, "that-a way!"
He sets her down instead of mushing and she runs to me and gives me a hug.

This is the first time I've seen her happy happy in a while, and not when she's random, happy.

She smiled at Ben and then me. "Benjamin! This is my best friend in the whole wide world, Morgan. "

"Morgan this is my amazing dude, ben who forced me to be carried the whole way home, which is funny since you used to complain about carrying me to bed ALL THE TIME," she said, sarcastically giving Ben a stink eye.

He laughed, "hello Morgan" he shook my hand and smiled. I smiled back, "hello!"

He seemed really nice, and playful, and I could see why Roni loved him. He intimidated me with his tallness though. He was almost like 6 feet tall. A height no one in this house (well apartment) is yet to achieve. Me and Roni share a whopping 5 feet and Diego's like 5'4-5'5.

I had to look up to talk to him but ah well.

Roni waddles around like an excited 2 year old and grabbed his hand, biting his knuckles.

"Now you've done it!" He laughed picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Ahckgnsjsjsjekenekekek!" Was the noise Roni made before he laughed and asked which room was hers.

"Third room down the hall!" I said, and he went that way.
Diego then came out looking tired, "can we sleep nooooooww?" He pouted. I nodded and he carried me to bed, once he laid me down, he kissed me on the cheek, "goodnight my beautiful princess" then he leaned down a bit and kissed my tummy, "and goodnight to you too!" I laughed and that's just what this house was full of again...laughter.

A/N: So to clarify for all those non-nerds

*raxicocoricofallipatprious - is a planet the slytheen lived on in doctor who
**"id blow up a sun to say goodbye"- a line from the episode 'doomsday' (also doctor who)
***meleways - the restaurant at the end of the universe from the book series 'hitchhikers guide to the galaxy'

So basically to translate,
"I'd go to an extinct planet for you!"

"Well I'd do anything I had to, to say goodbye; and I love you to the end of the universe, so ha!"

(Gawd I love being a nerd!)

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