What Roni knows

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Roni's POV:
I kissed Ben goodbye and got into a cab for work. I passed a lady in a wheelchair and then I had a vision.

Morgan was in a taxi, on the edge of birth, and she-she crashed... "Morgan!" I screamed out, the cab driver looked back at me confused and I got out of the cab. I sprinted and conveniently passed a place that sold wheelchairs. I pulled a bunch of cash out of my pockets and started sprinting to the apartment with a wheelchair. If I get her there no accident right? I burst through the door, "imhereimhereimhereimhere!" I began to load her in the wheelchair. My poor friend, she's in so much pain! "JUST GET ME IN A TAXI!" I stopped and relived what I saw before. "No.." I said calmly, "your not going to get into a taxi.." I rolled her out of the apartment quickly and her breathing got sharper. "NO IM TAKING A TAXI!" She screamed at me. "No, I'm going to run you there!" I yelled starting to feel tears in my eyes. "I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT IM HAVING A CHILD!"
She stood up and a taxi pulled over, as she started getting in u grabbed her wrist, tears in my eyes. "Please don't get in that car.." "FUCK OFF!" She yelled and closed the door on my face. You know in the movies when the character is sentenced to death and you just sit there and watch them. That's exactly how this felt. I watched my friend drive away to her death. I held back tears and called an ambulance. "Yes, there's been an accident off of Greenland road. Thank you so much"
I heard the crash and I started to bawl. My Morgan, my strong little morgan...


Diego rushed to the hospital after I got off the phone with him and Ben came right after him. I stayed by morgans bed side. The baby had been okay and they did a c section while she was unconscious, he was perfectly okay. I held morgans hand and cried in her sheets while I still sat there alone. "Please wake up Morgan, you have a wedding to start planning, you have to help me plan mine! The baby needs you, Diego neEDS YOU, I NEED YOU! PLEASE WAKE UP!" I shouted, trebling hard. Diego burst through the room and I took a step back.
"Morgan Morgan!" He called
He grabbed her hand, tears in his eyes.
"Morgan you need to wake up now."
He kissed her, "Morgan please wake up"
He began to repeatedly peck her lips crying more and more with each one. "Please. Morgan. Please. Please. Please. Morgan. Wake up. Please." At that moment the nurse walked in. "Diego?" The nurse asked.
"YES THATS ME IM DIEGO!" He nearly shouted. She nodded and brought in the little boy.
"This is the baby" she tried to manage a half smile.
Diego's face dropped and he took him.
"Oh..baby..you look like her..so much...I love you..I love your mommy..."
I had to look away since I was on the verge of tears. "She'll wake up soon, I know it," he kissed the baby's forehead and held him close. Soon enough Ben walked in and I grabbed him, bawling into his chest. "SHES NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!" I screamed into his chest. I began to punch his chest, "WHY COULDNT I STOP HER FROM GETTING IN THAT DAMN TAXI! I knew Ben..I knew.." I sunk down to the floor. He sunk down next to me and gave me a tight hug. Diego stared at me, "I'm sorry to everyone..I let you all down.." Diego placed a hand on my shoulder, "she'll be okay, I promise." He tried to reassure me, but I saw this all happen. I felt her die. I shook my head no, "she's not.." My voice cracked. At that moment the heart monitor went flat. All three of us went pale and the baby began to cry.
Morgan was gone.

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