England Pt. 1

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Morgan's POV:
"You know how I always never had a huge interest in boys..?" I nodded, Roni wasn't gay she just detested the idea of love, she wasn't heartless she just never wanted to be in love. "Well, that's not the case, my little mo.." I raised an eyebrow. "I have fallen in love twice.." "TWICE!?" I nearly shouted. "Twice.." She confirmed.

Roni's POV:
"It started about 10 years ago...I had my first boyfriend, his name was zeke"
Morgan stared at me in a look of worry and anguish. I felt bad for not telling her after all these years, but I couldn't relive it all. Now is the time though, for once in a very long time, my mind is serious. "Me and zeke dated for about 4 months, and despite me only being 12 I had this feeling in my gut that, I-I-I loved him.." Morgan stared at me quietly processing what I was saying. "He dumped me..took my heart, threw it in a blender, and hit pulverize. And left me, an empty shell of a human, in the dirt on the side of the road.. He is a dick and I never, ever, want to bring him up again.." She nodded. "But.." I explained on, and her eyes widened. "I promised myself 'I don't need someone, I don't want someone, never again will I feel so broken, and all I had to do..was build a wall..." She wrapped her arms around my neck and I sat there in silence and let out a bit of my emotions. I stopped and looked up at her my voice scratchy and shakey. "This isn't about zeke though...this is about Benjamin..." "Benjamin?" You could tell she was curious, her eyes searched mine, looking for answers, looking for the source of why I was so broken. It was time to tell her...

My plane finally landed in the misty morning of London, England. I had quite a drive to my housing unit. When I saw a name that read "Veronica" on it, I was overjoyed! I jumped over to a tall British man with shaggy brown hair. "Hi! I'm Roni! You're small child, that isn't quite adopted and isn't quite your child and won't really bother you unless you want me to!" He smiled kindly and shook my hand, "my name is David." I heard a bit of Scottish in his accent and I nearly fainted, OMYGOD ACCENTS!!! My thoughts were absolutely screaming. Anyway, a few days after that passed, I was settled in, I was starting my first day of school. David came up and ruffled my dark brown hair. "You look marvelous! I hope you have a wonderful day!" He handed me my lunch and gave me a hug as I headed down the street, walking to my school.

It was an average high school really. Except the classes were strange, the teachers had European accents, and I stuck out like a sore thumb; which I did the best. However, I realized...

I wanted to stay under the radar...

I wanted to get this all over with and see Morgan again...

Why am I here..?

I was having second thoughts, big time.!

I guess that's why my thoughts were so clouded when I ran into someone that would just about change my doubts.

"Aw fuck" me and this tall boy said in unison. I ran straight into him knocking his lunch onto him and dropping all the books; which were now soaked by his soda. "Oh loRD IM SO SO SORRY!" I quickly apologized and tried to pick up whatever was left of his lunch. "NO IM SO SO SORRY" he said, rushing to grab my books and dry then off. We were both trying so hard to fix each others messes we bumped heads. "ow.." I grumbled. He laughed "well aren't we both a mess.." I looked up at him and his eyes met mine. "Um..hi.." I started slowly. "Hi.." He said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

I stood there, staring at him, probably longer than I should've and he stood up awkwardly. He held out his hand and when I accepted the invitation, he pulled me up. "My name is Benjamin" he said rather shyly. "Veronica..I mean Roni..I mean..Veronica's my name, but ronis my nickname. Do you have a nickname? I like your accent. My accents lame. Hi..." It seemed to all come out with one breath. I was stuttered madly and blushing even worse. He chuckled, "follow me, your shirts a mess." He smiled kindly and held my hand, getting ready to guide me. "Oh, yeah. Okay. Thanks" was all I managed to get out.

He pulled me outside to his motorbike. He opened the side bag and handed me one of his fresh shirts and pulled out another for himself. "So you're the new girl then?" He asked noticing my accent probably. "Yep that's me!" I swung my arm in a strange thumbs up motion, and he chuckled.
"Made any new friends?"
"Not yet, which I think is good.."
"I miss my friend"
"Well that's rather dumb" he said cocking an eyebrow at me.
"Excuse meee!" I said defensively.
"I'm just saying..she isn't less your friend if you make new ones.." And he smiled at me. "Well then how bout a proper hi then" I smiled, holding out my hand. "I'm Veronica." He shook my hand, "glad to be your first friend veronica"


A few months had passed and Ben was still my only friend, and I had no problem with that. We grew close, very close... I spent the night at his house often and though I missed Morgan, it wasn't holding me back. And besides I talked to her every night until about 2 am. Except a few weekends here and there. I was spending the night at Ben's frequently but only one night did I realize, I had a heart, alive and beating in my chest.

"No! I'm not letting you sleep on the couch again!" Ben protested. "I'm not letting you sleep there either though!" I retaliated. He tackled me and pinned me to the bed,
"There, now all you need to do is sleep!"
"Neveeerrrrr!!" I glared at him and he tickled me, I flailed and we both ended up on the floor dying of laughter. "I have an idea.." He mumbled. "Hm.." I mumbled back. "Let's just both sleep in the bed."
"Aight" I said getting up and flalloping onto the mattress. I was too tired to fight him at this point. He crashed down next to my face, "hi" he smiled. Though my eyes were closed I knew he was staring at me with that dumb gappy smile spread across his face. "Sup'" I responded, drifting off a bit. He giggled and drapped his duvet over me and him.


When I woke up that mourning my head rested on his shoulder, one of our hands were intertwined, along with our legs, and his other arm rested on my waist. "Ben!" I jumped out of the comfortable position feeling awkward how close we were. He stirred sleepily, "was' wrong?"
"We-we were-were like full on- like- cuddling..!"
He smirked at me, "did you like it?" His eyes opening lightly. I blushed not knowing how to respond. He scooted closer to me and re wrapped himself around me, slowly, as if diffusing a bomb. Which in fairness is what I felt like at the moment. "I enjoyed it.." He whispered,  he brushed the hair out of my face and he leaned foreword, planting the lightest kiss across my lips. And to be honest..I enjoyed that....

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