Told you I'd write an epilouge

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Diego's POV:
Me and baby Morgan sat in a taxi heading to Roni's wedding. I'm so happy for her honestly. Although her and Ben did postpone it since the accident, and the mourning, and just from helping me take care of Morgan; Morgan was now 3 years old actually. Wow, three years...I fiddled with the ring on my finger I still haven't let go of and zoned out for a while until the car finally arrived.
When Morgan saw Roni he giggled and reached for her instantly. "Hellos there my little mo!" She said taking him in an instant. And turned to me giving me a hug, "hi Diego, how ya holding up?"
"Oh yeah, I'm fine," I gave a half smile. "You look really beautiful..." I sighed still playing with the ring. She placed her arm around my shoulder and sat me down next to a chair which had some flowers and stuff on it. "Is this her seat..." I mumbled quietly. She bit her lip.



Roni's POV:

So reader, here we are. Wanna know something crazy? I still hear her and see her. I guess I never explained myself. You see souls have a physical wavelength, it's where our thoughts and feelings reside, and I can read that wavelength. That's why know you're reading, that's how I know what people are thinking, and though Morgan may be dead, her soul is very much alive; neat huh? Anyway that's why I chose here to have this wedding, we're off the cliffs of bad wolf bay, where living souls rest. Maybe he'll see her too...
I looked over at Diego, still fiddling with that ring. I held mini mo and started bouncing him on my knees. "Bababababaaaaa" he started. He still hasn't had his first words yet, I know they're coming soon though.

Soon enough the ceremony was starting, I gave Morgan back to Diego and got ready to be walked down the isle. "You look lovely darling," my other long time friend, Zander commented. "Ah zandy, you know thats a lie!" I whispered. "Nope, and you know I'm telling the truth, ya psychy," he laughed patting my arm. Soon enough I was at the alter and Ben stared at me in awe. He leaned slightly closer so only I could hear him speak, "I still prefer bed head and boxers just so you know." I giggled softly, "aw I thought you'd enjoy me all dolled up for you!" I whispered to him. "You know I do biscuit, but I'll prefer you any way..." I smiled and turned toward him since the vows were cued. He gently took my hands and began to speak, "Veronica, veronica, veronica, where do I begin...I'm so glad I dumped cold soup on you!" He laughed and so did I. "Everything that we did together, everything we went through, even when you left me, we were together, and I hope to always live just that way.." Tears started to fill both of our eyes. "And...and...I love you...I love you a billion times..." He stopped and let out a sob. "And as we grow old together, I intend to say it a billion times." He hugged me tightly and cried into my hair and I couldn't hold it in, I cried into his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I apologized to everyone in the crowd amongst us. "It's fine darling, let it out!" Zander yelled from the small crowd. Me and Ben and everyone laughed. The minister turned to me, "and your's Veronica?" He nudged on. "Oh lord Ben. Those 4 years away, I dreamed of you every night. I wished on every star, every 11:11, every coin in the fountain, for someone like you to come into my life. When you did, I had no idea what to do. I had no faith in myself and in the end I didn't need to. Because you came back... I love you, I have since I met you and I will for longer than the rest of my life." He pressed his forehead against mine and we placed the rings on each other's hands. "By the power vested in me, I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." Ben didn't hesitate, he picked me up and kissed me and spun me around. I squeaked and kissed him back. He finally set me down, "hello Mrs. Ben!" I smiled like an idiot, "hello Mr. Veronica!"


All of us had a good time and were celebrating on the cliffs when bright lights danced along the sky. And that's when it happened...

Diego's POV:

I was dancing with the little kids, spinning around the little girls like princesses when I turned and saw her....
"MORGAN!" I screamed.
I have never ran so fast in my life.
There she stood, in a long red dress, still short, and smiling while crying. I stopped in front of her, and held her face. She was here, really here. "Diego, I-" I stopped her, and kissed her with every inch of love I felt for her. I held her so tight. My Morgan, with the bright pink hair, and the eyes that lit up my life.


Little Morgan waddled up and hugged the bottom of her dress. She hugged into my chest and started crying, "you can see can really see me!"

"Hi my little mo..." Roni stumbled towards her and baby Morgan looked up as Morgan did. "You!" Morgan pulled her into a tighter hug. "I miss you, you big dummy" Roni noogied her. "I see you and I hear you ya know," Veronica's tears dripped down her face. Morgan was quiet. "You look beautiful.." Morgan gave a half smile. "It was a pain in the ass doing this without my made of honor," Roni punched her shoulder. "Ow! I know, I know!" They both laughed and we all exchanged a look. Then all stared at Roni, she knew something.

"These lights only come out every three years, and they're the lights of the lost..." She sighed.

Morgan laughed, "I told her that, 6 years ago, when we first came here.."


After hours on end I didn't leave Morgan's side but as the sun came up she was disappearing. "I guess this is goodbye.." she said tears rolling down her cheeks onto her now transparent hands. "Only for three more years," Roni laughed with a sob. I kissed Morgans forehead, "until we meet again love.." I tried to reassure her though I too was crying. The cliffs were silent and in the last minutes baby Morgan pipped up, "bye mommy love you" and as he waved she was gone...

"Thank you Veronica" a muffled sob came out of my mouth.

She refused to speak, she was bawling into Ben's chest and he too had tears rolling down his face.

Little Morgan gave me a hug,

"is okay daddy, mommy says sometimes life just does tewwible things."

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