That last chaper tho :P

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A/n: hi's so like that last chapter, my god. For starters, I get so uncomfortable trying to write smut like holy nacho Jesus there's a reason I don't do that. Also, my friend pointed out I was the first to write Diego smut... *awkward face* please don't put that on my tombstone.. Also sorry I've been in a terrible writers block so I apologize if this isn't like the greatest chapter. ANYWAYYYY, the story!


It's strange how fast Diego went from incredibly sexy to incredibly cute. I brushed his jet black hair out of his face and he made a mumbley noise. I slowly stumbled out of bed and put on his sweatshirt, because nakedness is awkward. His red striped sweatshirt sleeves dangled past my finger tips and I decided to crawl back into bed with him. He seemed to feel presence because he pulled me toward him, pressing his face into the crook of my neck and nibbling sweetly. By reaction I squealed and flailed, waking him up. "Fuck" I mumbled. "Fuck is right," he mumbled back while rubbing his side. "Sorry.." I squeaked. "S'okay.." he slurred. At that moment Roni bust in, "WAKEY WAKEY!" She yelled. Diego blushed due to his lack of clothes (guys don't worry, he's under a blanket). "Morgan.." She stared at me. "Yes?" I said blushing worse than Diego. In a motherly time she replied, "did you forget about work?" "Oh shit!" I facepalmed and looked at the clock. "I'm late!" I began throwing on a bra and pants. I kissed Diego's forehead, "sorry Diego I gotta go fast!" And I ran out the door. Diego moped and looked at roni, "my sweatshirt though..." Roni stared at him, "she looks better in it than you do though..just saying.." And she left the room.

~while running to work~

"Shit, shit, shit" I mumbled to myself in a hurried tone. I work part time at a movie set, I basically bring actors coffee and send fruit baskets and shit to important people. You know, what the directors can't do. "Ah crap Diego's sweatshirt." I mumbled to myself again rolling my eyes. "Well too late to go back." I mumbled again as I stopped at the coffee shop to get my boss' order. "One half calf triple shot espresso iced Carmel delight on the bar for Catherine!" Called out the barista. "That's mine" I raised my hand rather ditsily before grabbing it. Then I ran out the door and around the corner I calmly walked into the studio. "Ah Morgan how good of us to join you!" Catharine, my boss, said sarcastically when I walked on to set. "Sorry I'm late, they're was a thing that happened and I had to walk." I responded, not quite lying. "Hmph.." She grunted before taking her coffee. "I'd fire you if you weren't so good at your job..and if your new sweatshirt didn't look so amazing on you..." I stopped and blushed a little. "Yeah, it's my favorite.." I said quietly. "Wherever did you get it?" She pondered. "Oh well umm..this store, I forgot what it was. Was trying this thing called the boyfriend line.." The lie kinda rolled out of my mouth. "I see, well it fits you quite well..anyway back to work with you!" I turned and sighed with relief. My phone then buzzed and it was Diego
D: "enjoy my sweatshirt hun, and the best of luck at work! XOXOXO"
I rolled my eyes at his adorable text. I mumbled under my breathe, "yep...still a dork.."

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