I should probably stop writting fluff and actually make plot to this story

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As Diego pulled away from the kiss both of us were absolutely stunned and I couldn't even open my eyes. Diego ran his hands overtop mine and grabbed them kissing my fingers tenderly. When I opened my eyes out eyes immediately locked. "You're a pretty good kisser," he chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. Anyone in a 5 mile radius could tell how awkward he felt. As he still held my hands I interlocked my fingers with his and music started to play. At first I thought I was crazy and hearing it in my head like this was some cheesy romantic comedy but when I glanced over his shoulder to see Roni fiddling with our speakers. She caught my glance and smiled and the song, "can't stand it" by never shout never began to play. Diego loosened a bit and began dancing with me, twirling me around every so often. As I fell into it, it all became so lovely. I was on cloud nine, I swear my pupils were in the shape of hearts, and I was so klutzy and giddy. At one point Diego let go of my hands while twirling me and I seized the moment, pulling myself closer to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. He trailed his hands down my back and grabbed my waist with one hand while the other trailed to my upper thigh (he touched the butt 0-0) and lifted half of me. His other hand trailed down to the other side and lifted me. I was now completely off the ground and in diegos arms. "Now we're finally the same height" he teased and pressed his forehead against mine, looking in to my eyes. The song ended and the song, "I will follow you into the dark" began and all we could do was stand there staring at one another. The moment of intense staring was then broken. "Now kisssss!" Roni said before pressing our faces together, and my lips held on for dear life. Holy fuck...I feel this flipping in my stomach and my face feels hot. I'm kissing him with the feeling I may never do so again. This is a feeling Ive never felt before, and I silently dread it. I think, just maybe, I'm in love...
Is this a bad feeling? No. But even with the several boyfriends I've had, I never felt this. Part of me was excited. This was all so new. But if this was anything like my past relationships then I didn't want to feel it. They were all such dicks... But diegos not a dick right? No, he isn't. And that's why I kissed him with all my might, because this time, I got it right. We pulled apart and he set me down. He looked calm and relaxed and I realized he had the worst (but cutest) case of bed head. I bit my lip in excitement and thinking if I should tell him about my discovery. He tilted his head, "everything okay?" He asked slightly concerned. I smiled widely, probably looking idiotic, "everything's perfect."

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