Chptr. 9

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I swear to God, my head is going to explode.


"Times I've seen you you lose your way

You're not in control and we won't be told

All I can do to keep you safe is hold you close


'til you can breathe on your own"

~ Keeping Your Head Up by Birdy from the single-album 'Keeping Your Head Up'

(Song is on the side. You can find it on Spotify, YouTube, Itunes, etc.)


No one's POV (3rd Person)

"That's it, it's been over an hour and ten minutes. I'm going to look for him." Tony said while walking to the elevator. "Tony, please, he will come back. Besides, Pepper is coming up." "Wait what?" And as if it was staged, "I'm back!"

Pepper came out of the elevator, Tony standing almost in front of it. Pepper kissed Stark on the cheek and went over to the couch and sat down. "Seriously, sometimes the government can be annoying. It is not explainable, seriously," She said. But when she looked around and had no answer, she saw the worried looks on everyone's faces. "What is going on? Oh god, is Loki back?" "No no no no no," Tony said immediately calming his girlfriend down. "We just have someone staying over." "Then where is that person exactly?" "Going for a jog." "Who is that person, Tony?" "He's a teen and..." "Oh my god, you have a kid?! Who's...?!" "He's not my kid. He's my sister's." A short silence fell. Pepper looked a little bit shocked for a second.

"And where is your sister..." "She died a little while ago." "Oh, Tony." Pepper stood up and walked over to Tony. She hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry..." "It's okay, Pepper..." He said whispering in her ear. "He's staying here because he has nowhere else to go." "It's all right. He can stay here as long as he wants, Tony." Pepper let go and looked at the man she loved. "And there is something else you need to know about him..." Stark said, looking into Potts' eyes. "He has PTSD." "Why does he have PTSD?" Pepper asked with a questioning look. "We don't exactly know, but we are trying to figure it out." Pepper nodded and walked with Tony back to the couch.

Meanwhile, on a graveyard in New York, a demigod was lost at heart. His tears had dried, his cheeks weren't red anymore, but the sadness was still present in his heart. His back was laying in the grass, his head on the dark blue bag with his stuff, his eyes closed. The breathing was soft and relaxed. Asleep and with a mind far away in old memories, he didn't feel the raindrops on his body.

A father looked at his son, an umbrella above his head. He went down on his knees and went with his hand through the familiar black hair. No person should ever go what he had gone through. Especially not a kid. The ticking of the raindrops against the umbrella was relaxing and so, another thirty minutes go by. The boy sleeping, the man guarding.

Suddenly the gate opens and there are four men and two women. They look around, until one of them, the man with dark brown hair, points at Percy. Poseidon stands up. "Oh, Percy..." The man who pointed says while kneeling down next to Percy. The group walks over to the two. "Hello." The orange-haired woman says. "Hello," Poseidon says back. "Thanks for watching over him." She says. And he bows his head as a 'you're welcome'.

The big blond man picked Percy up in bridal style and the dark brown-haired man picked up the bag with the stuff. "Thank you, my nephew means a lot to me." The man says, known as Tony Stark. "Your welcome, maybe I'll see you one day in the future." The group turns away and starts walking to the van. But when Natasha looks back one more time to see the man, he's gone.


This one is shorter! But is the second update of today!

Do I deserve an award yet? No? Well, I think I do! I deserve the 'Yay you can write while you are sick and not suck too bad' - award.

*takes the award*

I want to thank my followers, voters, commenters and everyone who supports me. And also, everyone who hates me, because, you are the ones who make me stronger!



(Never forget Rick Riordan and Marvel own Percy Jackson and The Avengers)

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