Chptr. 33

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"The right thing to guide us

Is right there inside us

No one can divide us

When the light is nearly gone

Just like a heartbeat

The drumbeat carries on..."

~ When We Stand Together by Nickelback from the album 'Here and Now'

(Song is on the side. Album can be found on Spotify, iTunes, etc.)



"So, you guys are dating?" Percy asked with a serious tone, sitting in front of Will and Nico who were sitting side by side on the couch. "Well, yeah, we are," Nico answered nervously. A few seconds there was a tension in the room, filled with silence. Will looked nervously at Nico, who was looking at Percy, waiting for a response. Percy jumped up and said, "I'm so happy for you guys! My gods, you finally have a relationship! Thalia, how many times did I tell you that they would date at some point?" "Shut up Perce, let them be happy and stuff." Nico jumped up and hugged Percy. "Thank you so much." "You should be hugging him, you idiot." "Shut up Perce and don't ruin the moment." "Shut up Nico, we are ruining the moment." Nico smiled and let go of Percy to immediately attack Will with a passionate kiss. Percy turned around to let the two have a moment to see Thalia smiling back at him. 


"So, what now?" "Well, I'm going to take you back to the Tower, Man of Stark, before the rest is going to take action against the innocent." "Thor, why are they innocent..?" "Because they have lived the life no one should have lived. They protected everything on this earth and in return they lost their everything. Thalia lost her brother, Nico lost his sister, Percy lost his mother and love, Will lost all his friends, nobody deserves that, Man of Iron." "But..." "There are no buts in this story, there are none. They deserve peace in their lives, Tony." "That's a first." "What?" "Nevermind." 


"So, when are we going to see you again?" Percy asked, looking at Thor, ignoring Tony. "I don't know, young one... Alaska is beyond my powers as well..." "What's wrong with Alaska?" "I will see you when our paths need to cross, Perseus Jackson." "Thanks for all the help, Thor. For everything." "Your welcome, young one." It was so strange, they were going to leave their home behind to probably never return. It was going to be hard, not just the journey, but also the adjusting to the new area and the new chapter in their lives. Moving on without them... No support from the Gods, nobody. Just them. "It was an honour meeting you all," Thor said, smiling. He started walking away followed by Tony, he walked like a dog following his boss' orders. But before they completely left Percy's sight, Tony turned around and shouted, "I will always be there, Percy... Even if you don't want me to be there, I will be... That's my promise to you." After that , nothing was said and the two men left the sight of Percy. "Let's sleep, we have a long journey ahead of us," Percy said with a smile. "Let's become 'normal.'" They all laughed and went back into the house. All lights out, silence, sleep.


Sorry, this one is short. 

I just have a lot on my hands right now, especially with school. 

Thank you for having patience and again, sorry.

I hope you have a great day!

Keep on smilin'!



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