Chptr. 23

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"Meet me where the sunlight ends

Meet me where the truth never bends

Bring all that you're scared to defend 


Unpack your heart..." 

~ Unpack Your Heart by Phillip Phillips from the album 'Behind the Light'

(Song is on the side. It can also be found on Spotify, iTunes, etc.)


"Percy?" "Yes, Apollo?" "What are you going to do?" "I don't know..." "You know what will happen if..." "Don't worry, Apollo. Let it go. Be like that Elly woman, let it go." "Percy, I'm not the only one who is worried about you." "I know, Apollo. But I'd rather have me dying than the only people left to die to save me."  "Percy..." Percy looked up from the bandages. "Apollo," Percy started. "Quit it. If the Gods let hundreds and hundreds of Demigods die, they can let me do." "Percy..." "It was not our war. It never was." Apollo shut his mouth and kept on checking stuff in and on Percy's body. After about 5 minutes of checking Apollo stopped and started packing stuff. "You're done." Percy stood up and put on his sweater and jeans. "Percy." Percy looked up at Apollo, looking directly into his eyes. "Please stay safe." "Of course," Percy started. " 'Safe'." Percy laughed together with Apollo and they walked out of the room. 

Percy was immediately embraced by his brother. "Don't you dare ever scaring me like that, brother." "Of course not, Tyson," Percy said followed by a laugh. "Of course not..."


"Dad?" Will was sitting in an alley, looking down. He was hungry, thirsty, weak, dizzy and sleepy. His usual blonde curls were filled with filth and were not shining like they used to. Tears were dripping from his eyes and falling on the ground between his legs. His head was down, the filthy curls falling down in front of his face. "I don't know how long I can live like this..." His body was trembling because of the coldness, his lips were purple and his skin was pale. His voice was shaky and every word was as soft was a whisper. "Please..." Every breath felt like a knife in his lungs and his heart was trying very hard to keep pumping the blood through the veins. "Please help..." 


Will's prayers were heard by his father, but it was not him who would go and get him....


"Tyson, I got to go... I have to see Tony." "Are you sure you are ready, brother?" Percy looked into Tyson's eye and smiled. "Of course." Percy turned to Poseidon and hugged him. "Next time we all go bowling or something," Percy said jokingly. Poseidon laughed. "Of course!" 

Percy was flashed in front of the Tower, he felt a bit nervous, but he was ready. He smiled and walked into the building. "Hello Percy," Jarvis said. "Welcome back to Stark Tower." "Thanks Jarvis, could you keep it from Tony for a while? I want to surprise the old guy." "Of course, sir. Shall I get you to the floor he's at?" "That would be very nice, Jarvis, thanks." Percy walked into the empty elevator and waited. It was eventually the 32th floor he ended up at. The doors opened and there was Tony, behind a window, AC/DC playing as loud as you could imagine. 'Make a stand show your hand...' Percy walked slowly up to the glass with a big grin as he saw Tony singing along to the song. 'Calling a high command...' It was so hard for Percy to knock on the window, seeing his uncle singing along so loudly and having so much fun. 'Don't think just command...' But he did it anyway... And as he knocked, Tony did not look up, the music was too loud for the knock to be heard. 'I'm like a bird of prey...' "Jarvis?" "Yes, sir?" "Could you turn the music down?" "Of course, sir." It did not even take one second for the music to be turned off. "Jarvis!" Tony shouted as loud as he could. "Yes, sir?" Percy smiled as he saw his uncle being confused when the music was suddenly gone from the room. "Why is the music off?" "Percy Jackson requested it, sir." "Wait, what!" Tony shouted as he stood up fastly, causing the chair he sat on to fall on the ground. 

"Percy Jack..." "I know what you said!" Tony looked around and when he turned around and saw his nephew looking at him with a smile, he couldn't help but smile as well. He ran over to the door, opened it and ran over to his nephew and hugged him. "You little..." "No cursing around the children, Tony," Percy said jokingly as he wrapped his arms around his uncle. "Don't you dare scare me like that ever again!" "Yeah yeah, you're the second person who said that today." Tony gniffled and let Percy go. "If you ever do that again, I swear to God I will..." "C'mon Tony. Shush and let's get pizza. I'm hungry."


"Will?" Rachel looked down at the body of the blonde demigod. He was laying in an alley, why on earth would he be here? "J-D!" She shouted while picking up Will's body. "Yes, m'lady?" "Stop calling me that and help me out!" "Of course..." "Just call me Rachel for the 1000th time!" "Of course, miss Dare." "Ugh... Just come!" It was not the first time her driver did this, most of the time to joke around, but now there was no time for that. The driver was chosen by her father and there was no escaping her father since the war, especially because Camp was not an option right now. Not when there were too many memories there... J-D came around the corner and stopped for a second, taking in what he was seeing. "Miss... Why do you..." "Shush J-D, he's a friend of mine." The driver shrugged and took a deep breath, he walked over and helped Rachel getting Will in the car on the couch in the back. When it was done and all of them were sitting in the car, Rachel shouted, "Let's go!" "Where?" "Camp, as fast as we can J-D. I don't even care if you hit someone." J-D smiled and headed off to the Camp, the last place Will wanted to be, but the place he needed the most right now.


Hello everyone!

Here is another update of Percy Jackson & The Avengers! Woohoo!

For people who don't know yet, I have a reading list with over 100 PJ and Avengers crossovers, so in case I don't update, here's some reading candy!

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Keep on smilin'!



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