Chptr. 14

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"She expected the world, but it flew away from her reach. But bullets catch in her teeth. Life goes on, it gets so heavy. The wheel breaks the butterfly..."

Paradise by Coldplay from the album Mylo Xyloto

Writer's POV

A night went by in a blink. Percy didn't come out of his room. Tony did not leave the living room, waiting for his nephew. But both fell asleep, just like the rest of the Avengers. Leaving time to pass by and for the sun to eventually rise.

The next morning, when everyone was settled around the table, eating their breakfast, the awkward silence was hanging in the air like a mist. The only sound coming from food being eaten and tea and water being drunk by the team. Seconds, minutes passed. Cars drove by the Tower, people yelled, tourists took pictures, New York City life had woken up.

"Are we going to talk about yesterday, or is it going to be a 'no no' subject?" Tony asks bluntly. Natasha shoots a look at him. Percy looks up to look right in his uncle's eyes. "What do you want to know, Tony?" Percy looks with an unreadable look at Tony. "What happened?" "I went to the graveyard, someone needed to give the flowers some water." Percy looks back at his plate and eats a little bit of the egg. "Percy, what exactly happened to them?" Pepper's head shoots up at Tony. "Tony. You can't just ask what happened." "Why not? He's obviously not going to talk if not asked." "Has it come up in that big head of you that he doesn't want to talk about it?" Natasha says.

"Leave him be, Tony," Steve says. "Guys. It's all right. He should know." Percy says. Curiosity got the better of the group, silencing them. Waiting for an answer. Percy looks to Tony and says in a soft voice, "They were killed." "Wha... Why?" Tony asks, not being able to wrap his mind around the fact that a group of teens was murdered. Why on earth would they be killed? Why on earth would someone even want to kill a group of teens in the first place?

"My family is not that great." "Uhm, I am still here?" "I'm not talking about you, Tony. I'm talking about my dad's side." "I thought you never met the guy?" Percy sighs. "I have. A few times over the course of some years. But I never really... Met him." "What do you mean by that?", Steve asks. "Well... My family is not really the normal family on the block. They have a lot of... rules. Including some stuff about how parents have to act and whatever." "What the heck, is your family the mafia? Or a gang?" Tony asks. "No... It's just... They have a lot of power. You don't want to mess with them." "Did they kill your friends?" "No... Well... Yes? No." "What kind of an answer is that?" "It's a 'my dad is not involved with that' answer."

"But, his family..." "My grandfather is. Listen, guys... You should just stay out of this. My family doesn't open up about... the issues. It's been that way for years and I am not the one to spill it all." "Percy, you know you can trust us." "I know, Tony, just not with this." "Percy, we are here to help." "You can't help me with this." "Maybe if you told us...." "No. Let it go. This is not your problem and it will never be your problem."


"I don't get that kid!" Tony said while walking around in the kitchen. "He obviously needs help! Why won't he just say what's wrong!" Steve stands in the corner with his arms crossed. "Maybe he doesn't need our help?" Tony stops and looks at Steve, "Are you really that stupid or just trying to forget what happened? His family KILLED his friends! His mother! My sister, for Christ's sake! Of course, he needs our help!" "He never said his family did it." "After he told us they were killed, he said that his family is not great. You can't have a bigger clue on this game of Cluedo, Steve!" "Cluedo?" Tony facepalms. "Whatever. But we just need to find out what happened in all those years!" "Isn't it something with Gabe Ugliano?" "No... I think... Well, I don't know." "We just have to wait 'til he trusts us, Tony. There's nothing more we can do."


Where have I been?
Well, I partied and I am sick. So, tada!
But, I'm back!

So, my lovely reader, here's your update :)
I hope you enjoyed it!
I will update as soon as I have inspiration again! ;)


Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Aftermath (PJ/TA Crossover) ~ Completed ~Where stories live. Discover now