Chptr. 43

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"Well, I know it gets harder every single day

And I know my darkness will never go away

It's hard when you're living and you don't feel much

And you're down and you're hoping that things are gonna change..."

~ We Don't Know by The Strumbellas from the album 'Hope'.

(Song is up above! You can find the entire album on Spotify, iTunes and Google Play! Enjoy!)



Percy looked around, his eyes stopping at the picture with all of his friends at Camp Halfblood. It was before the War... The terrible War... "Oh, guys..." He was interrupted by a knock on the door. It sounded so damn loud in the silent house. It was as if the knock was going through his body and soul. "I know you're in here!" The door was kicked in by Artemis, causing Percy to scare up from his thoughts and sit down in the chair beside the couch. "Answer me!" Artemis shouted as she walked through the door, into the hallway. Her steps were light and careful, making sure there were not any traps on her way. Her heart was beating loudly in her chest, a cold chill going over her back.

It did not take that long before she stood in the opening to the living room, seeing the powerful demigod sitting in the chair, looking at her. "You," She said, a sigh escaping her mouth. "I was pretty sure I would find your friend over here..." "I have no clue what you are talking about, Artemis," Percy said in a powerful voice. "Maybe you are becoming blind in the Land Beyond the Gods." "You have a lot of nerve talking to me like that, demigod," She said, spitting demigod as if it was a curse word. The worst of them all. "I may be beyond the power of the Gods of Olympus from their little mountain in the sky in New York City, but that does not mean I do not have my power, here on the ground in Alaska."

"It does mean, that you have no power over me, Artemis," Percy said looking into her eyes. They were not the same as they were, those green orbs. The last time Artemis had seen Percy personally was a long time ago, and then they were full of hope, kindness, and purity. Now she could see the loss, the hurt, the scars the War had left on him. "I do hope you realize I have a right to know what is going on, I saw Nico Di Angelo in this house, your house, while he is supposed to be dead," Artemis said in a neutral voice, trying to stay calm. Percy, even though he was a male, was one of the only demigods she truly had respect for with all of her heart. The demigod stood up and was now standing in front of her.

"Don't you think I had a right to know Tony Stark was my family?" "That's completely different, Percy..." "The gods withheld information from me about my family, how is that any different?" "Because... Because this is way bigger, Percy! You know this! There could be something wrong with the gates to the Underworld! There could be something wrong with Charon! A lot could be wrong..." She was interrupted by Percy. "Could, Artemis... Could..." "Percy, I will not leave Alaska until I have found out what is going on here," She said with a determined voice. "Artemis..." He looked at her with a pleading look on his face. "Please leave, I beg you, as a friend and as a demigod, leave. Act like I'm just here, living on my own, working a regular job, doing whatever needs to be done to be and act normal. My life has been a Tartarus for the last couple of months, I hoped the gods would just leave me be and stop seeing me as this threat. As this... Pawn that was used. I have saved you over and over and over... I deserve and have earned peace."

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