Chptr. 24

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"Follow the mourning star

A light when darkness fell

The passion left unholy

Now you find yourself

We have nowhere to go,

No one to wish us well

A cry to find our home

Our stories they will tell..."

~ Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides from the album 'Set The World On Fire'

(Song is on the side. It can also be found on Spotify, iTunes, etc.)



"So, Percy..." Tony started while eating pizza. Percy looked up from the pizza, chewing on it, enjoying the taste. "What happened?" Percy swallows the last bit of pizza in his mouth and looks with a serious look at Tony. "Tony, forget it ever happened." "How can I forget... that?" "There are many ways to forget stuff, Tony." "Percy... We need to talk about this." Percy looks down. "Tony, I can't." "You can, you won't." "For your own safety." "I'm a grown man with a team of heroes backing him up." "I'm a teenager with an unknown past and is related people you don't know and don't want to know. Leave it." Percy stood up from the chair. "Percy, please..." "Tony, if you won't let it go, I will have to go." 

"No!" Tony stood up. "Okay, okay, I will let it go." Percy looked down, his hands on the chair, his head down. "Percy, I'm just worried about you... I saw some files... Not just the terrorist stuff..." 

"You little twat. How dare you say something like that to me!" Gabe shouted as he threw a beer bottle at Percy's head. The glass shattered and Percy was laying in the pieces of glass. 

"I know about some stuff..." 

As Percy screamed in pain, Gabe became angrier. "SHUT UP!" He shouted as he kicked Percy in his stomach. "SHUT UP!" He shouted again, kicking harder. 

"The scars..."

"Please, please!" Young Percy shouted as he tried to cover his head with his bare arms, causing his arms to get filled with little wounds and blood to be spread across the floor. 

"The failings of the police..."

"No! No! I didn't say anything, I swear!" "LIES!" Gabe grabbed Percy by the hair and threw him to the ground.

"The hurt..."

"Please... Please..." Percy whispered with the last power he had in his body as Gabe kept on hitting his body, his mind being far away in the land of darkness.

"Percy... We know about him..."

"Dad... Dad... Someone... Please!" Percy shouted as Gabe started loose his belt. "Shut up, you little pig!" Gabe shouted as he put on foot on Percy's torso.

"We know about what he has done..."

"NO!" Percy shouted, trying to get away, but with Gabe's foot on his body, he could not. The weight... It was too much. 

"You'll never know what he has done, Tony..." Percy looked up, his eyes filled with darkness, anger, sadness and also, just a blank mind was showing. "You'll never..." Tony stepped closer to Percy, going around the table. "...ever..." One step more. "...know..." He was now standing beside an almost crying Percy. "What he has done to me and my mom. The police didn't give two shits... It wasn't a failure. It was a pure waste of time. The man was not a monster to them, just a regular guy. The kid just played and got some bruises that way, that's all..." "Percy, what did he do?" 

Percy looked right into the eyes of his uncle. "He created a hell on earth."


It took about half an hour to get from the alley to Camp Halfblood. The minutes felt like hours for Rachel... J-D didn't really seem to care. He never really cared for anything in the world. If the car in front of them would blow up, he still would be as careless as ever. Well, that was the impression he had made on Rachel in the last couple of months. 

When they were there, Rachel had to carry Will out of the car, into the woods and to Camp. For a person, Will was very light, heavy to carry, but light... Too light... "Hold on, Will," Rachel whispered as she carried on her journey. 

Seeing Will like this had shocked her a lot. She had no idea things were going this bad for some demigods, but she could have expected this... One way or another, she could have known. She just could have. 

As she carried on walking, a limp body hanging on her back while the weight was harder to carry with every step, thousands of thoughts went through Rachel's mind. About the war, demigods, Percy and also Will. How did this happen? What happened?

"Who is the... Oh, Rachel!" There was Chiron, great... Wait... Yes! "Chiron!" Rachel shouted back, "Please help!" Chiron galloped over to her and tried to see what she was carrying. "What are you..." "That is Will, Chiron, please..." Rachel interrupted, not wanting to waste any time. Chiron's eyes widened and immediately took action. He took Will from Rachel's shoulder and motioned that she could hop on. "C'mon." Rachel jumped on his back and they started galloping towards the camp border. 


"So... Percy is hurt and probably with Poseidon, we can't go to Camp, Olympus or anywhere else near the Gods, we can't go to Alaska yet because we have to wait for the others and Percy." Grover summed up while Nico and Thalia nodded. "Dam..." Grover went through his hair with his hands and sighed. "We know," Nico said, looking up at the sky, seeing as clouds moved bit by bit and planes flying to wherever they needed to go. "Where are we staying?" "At Sally's apartment," Thalia answered. "Wouldn't she mind?" "She's dead," Thalia said, trying not to show any emotion. Grover looked in shock at her, then at Nico. "What about..." "He already knows it all, Grover... He's staying with an uncle at this big tower place in the city." "Fudge man... This all is really fudged up." "I know, Grover..."

Thalia couldn't hold it in any longer, she was broken. All of them were. Nico's emotions had collapsed under all of it, the dying and the resurrection.  It was all too much for a person... A demigod... A teenager. Grover wrapped one arm around his friend. He looked down, not at her, trying not to cry himself. They had to get out of here... 


Hey everyone!

Because Rick Riordan really looked over the fact that Percy was abused and almost never mentioned it in the books, I will write it, 'cause why not?

There will be a short Q&A in the next author's note, you can ask about this crossover, Percy Jackson ~ Life Without CHB, about me ('cause why not?) and maybe about some other things. For the people who want to ask about the ending of PJ~LWCHB, I will not answer what exactly happened. Mystery is needed for the ending :)

Again, if you feel like reading more crossovers, you can always check out my reading list with over 100 crossovers. 

Have a great day!

Keep on smilin'!



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