Chptr. 31

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" I'm gonna place my bet with every step I take

Go tell everyone under the sun

I'm on my way!

And if I hit rock bottom

I'm gonna smile and dance with every step I take

Go tell everyone under the sun

I'm on my way!


all for a better day..."

~ On My Way - Axwell /\ Ingrosso from the Single 'On My Way'

(Song is on the side! Album can be found on Spotify, iTunes, etc.)




"What can we do?" Thalia asked, looking at Percy on the bed. "I have no idea, it could be that he is having another episode." "Another one?" "There was a friggin bomb, look, we died. We went to the afterlife. He had to stay here, alone. We sort of healed internally. , the moment we entered Elysium. He did not. He has all the scars, in and out." Thalia leaned against the wall while Nico standing with his arms crossed by the bed. Thor was in the other room, enjoying some food they had left, Tony just looking at the God in front of him. "Will he ever be healed?" "I don't know, Thalia... I honestly don't know..."

"How could you have betrayed them like that?" Tony asked, looking at Thor. "I did not betray them, Man of Iron." "Why on earth would this not be a betrayal?" "I did what was best for them. I saved the ones who fight for this earth." "We fight for the earth as well, Thor." "Man of Iron, I'm trying to eat. Ask your dumb questions later please." "Why is everyone calling me dumb? I'm a genius or has everyone forgotten that?" "You really are a dumb idiot, sir Di Angelo was right." Tony threw his hands in the air and sighed. He laid them on the table and looked at Thor. "But," He sat up. "Do you know how big their family is?" "Yes, Man of Iron!" Thor said, smiling while still chewing. "It's bigger than yours." "Mine is as big as one person." "See! Told you!"


Will was leaning on his crutch, looking at the big black car driving away. Rachel had left... He was alone again. Other people might feel relief because of the silence, but he just felt alone. He felt the stares in his back, making him cringe. He didn't want her to leave, but she just had to...


Percy saw Annabeth falling away. He wanted to scream. He cried, tears rolling down his cheeks. "NO!" A long and loud scream came from his mouth as his heart started to crack. "No please...." A mirror appeared in front of him, showing his red eyes and his red tear-stained cheeks. The mirror shattered, the pieces flying around, scratching Percy's skin, leaving little red marks on his arms and face. The rest of the mirror fell down into the black nothing. Faces of the lost circled around him, showing their eyes closed. Everyone he'd lost... "You let this happen!" Annabeth yelled in his ear, her voice being loud and clear. Percy fell down to his knees, covering his ears with his hands. "You let Stark do this to us!" Sally yelled. "I didn't contact my brother for a reason, idiot!"

Percy got up and ran away, away from the heads with not one good thing to say. The heads disappeared from the horizon in the darkness. 'Away... Away... Now...' That's the only thing he could this at this point. Just away. As he kept on running, the darkness became  much more grey...

Eyes open and the darkness is gone. 


"Ah, young Perseus," Thor said, smiling at the teenager who was standing on the doorstep to the kitchen. Tony turned around as fast as he could and looked at his nephew who was looking tired and well... lifeless. "Percy, are you okay? You look like shit." Percy looked Tony right into his eyes with great anger, his eyes spitting fire. Tony shut his mouth and looked back at Thor who was smiling and walked up to Percy embracing him. "We were really worried for your well-being, young Perseus." Percy stepped back and smiled at Thor. "You shouldn't worry, I'll be okay." "Are you sure of that?" Tony asked, sarcasm present in his voice. "I swear to the Gods, I will decapitate you if you keep going like that," Nico said, entering the kitchen, giving Percy a pat on the back. "Leave him be, Nico... We just dump him somewhere in New York City when we leave... There's nothing left for us here." "There is!" Tony said with a loud voice. "There is!" "What?" Percy looked back at his uncle. "Tell me what." "Me..." "You blew up graves of my friends and family. Of Annabeth..." Percy's teeth crunched, trying to control his anger. "You blew them up without hesitation... You are no family of mine, Stark. I'm a loyal person... But I can't let this stuff just happen..." "But..." "No, we are leaving tomorrow..." Percy turned to Nico and whispered in his ear, "If you want to take someone or y'know... Today's the day." Percy walked away, leaving behind his uncle and friends. 

"I just don't get it... Was he always this dark?" "Of course not, idiot," Nico said turning to Tony. "He was a bright and happy teenager, just like the rest of us... But then people died... A lot... And Percy was left behind." "Didn't he have you and that other girl?" "Long story." Nico sighed and looked down. "Going away is the best for all of us." "Are you sure about that?" Nico looked up at Tony and said, "Yes. Yes, I am." Nico walked away, leaving Thor and Tony behind. 


Nico looked from the shadows at his love. Should he know? Should he... "Is there someone there?" Will got out the Apollo cabin, walking slowly with his crutches. Nico was shocked... He looked horrible, what had happened to him? Will took one step forward, setting his crutch in the ground, making it more stable. "Hello?" 

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