Chptr. 13

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"Oh they say people come, say people go. This particular diamond was extra special, and though you may be gone, and the world may not know. Still I see you... There's a light that you give me when I'm in a shadow. There's a feeling you give me, an everglow... What I wouldn't give for a moment to hold..."

Everglow by Coldplay from the album A Head Full Of Dreams

Writer's POV

"Steve?" After half an hour, they talked again. "Yeah?" Steve looked at Percy beside him. "I have to take a left here, I'll see you at the Tower, okay?" Steve recognised the road from a few days earlier. It was the road that led to the graveyard. "I'll come with ya." Percy nodded. They took a turn to the left and ran towards the gate. Steve looked at Percy and saw his face turning darker with the step. The Old Man looked back to what was in front of them. The gate was bronze and very decorated as if Heaven laid within the walls of stone.

Percy went in, not caring for or looking at Steve. He looked at the last resting place of his friends. Sadness grabbed his heart and tore it from his chest. The emptiness filled the hole his friends had left when they died. He went over to the grey stone, a stone he wished was not there, just his love beside him. A home in New Rome, a future together. He looked at the picture of the both of them, the smiles, the love, the hope in their eyes. They just needed to survive the war together... And now... Only one did.

His Wise Girl... Gone. In a way, it still did not feel real. Percy just could not accept it in his heart, slowly destroying him from the inside. "Perce?" Percy looked up, tears falling from his face. "Are you alright?" Steve asked, looking worriedly. The teenager shook his head while letting his head drop to his chest. Two warm strong arms embraced him. "It will be alright... Eventually." Steve's soft voice said.

Tony Stark's POV

"I just don't get why they are gone for so long!" I said while looking at Pepper and Natasha. "Don't worry too much, Tony! He's with Steve, what could go wrong?" Pepper answered. "I don't know, something!" I looked at Natasha. "What do you think about all of this?" Pepper said to the woman next to her. "I think you should trust on Cap and Percy." I sighed and sat down in the chair behind me. "Don't be so overdramatic!" Natasha said looking at me. "You can't blame me for worrying about him!"

That moment, the familiar sound of the elevator arriving on the right floor was heard throughout the room. The three of us all looked at the elevator, waiting for the moment that the doors opened.

The doors opened, showing Steve and Percy standing there. Steve looked at us and gave us a small smile, but Percy, he did not look and just went over to, I don't know, probably his room. Steve went over to us.

Writer's POV

Tony looked furious. "What happened?" "That's between me and the kid," Steve answered. "I'm his uncle." "I'm a friend." Tony stood up, face to face with Steve. "Let it be, Tony," Pepper said in a soothing voice. "It's between him and Percy. You can't know everything."

This relaxed Tony a bit, making him stand less straight and his stare was softer. "Okay." He sighed. "But if you ever hurt him in any way, Capsicle, I will find you."

Steve smiled at that. "I know, Tony, I know."

Meanwhile, in Percy's room, there was a sad demigod, staring at the ceiling with a blank mind. No thoughts, just the plain grey of the ceiling and the soft music coming from the radio.

But again, after five minutes...

"What am I going to do with myself?"


Hello over there!

Yeah you! That cute person behind the screen!

I just wanted to say:

Stay awesome! Thank you! <3

Keep on smilin'!


Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Aftermath (PJ/TA Crossover) ~ Completed ~Where stories live. Discover now