Chptr. 27

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"Now you're on the ground screaming medic

The only thing that comes is the post-traumatic stresses

Shields, body armors and vests don't properly work


These battle scars don't look like they're fading

Don't look like they're going away..."

~ Battle Scars by Guy Sebastian featuring Lupe Fiasco from the album Food & Liquor II: The Great American Rap Album Pt. 1

(Song is on the side. It can also be found on Spotify, iTunes, etc.)



"Percy! Where are you!" Thalia shouted as loud as she could, her mouth hurting, her lungs screaming for more air in the fire. She kept on walking and shouting, her clothes hanging on her body being filled with holes. As she looked around she suddenly a body laying on the ground, trembling. "GUYS! I HAVE FOUND HIM!" She ran over to the body and saw Percy crying with his eyes closed, having a flashback of other dark times.


"Thank God, they found him..." Tony said while rubbing his eyes. "I have to go to the graveyard." "No, Stark! You are staying, we need to see what happens next," Fury shot back. "The only thing we will see is my nephew screaming and crying over the past because of his PTSD! I'm leaving, don't try to stop me, Fury. Percy needs me." "Does he?" "Yes." "I believe he is the person who walked away then fought a monster in this tower and eventually jumped out of the damn tower and now he needs you! He left!" "The room, not my mind."


"I can hear you, y'know..." Will said, still not opening his eyes. "We know," Rachel said. "But as long as you did not respond we acted like you did not." Will groaned. "Whatever..." Rachel smiled. "You idiot."


"NO!" As Percy scream echoed and Grover and Nico stood a few metres further from him, looking hopeless as they knew they could not wake their friend from the horrible things in his head. They looked at their friend hurt filling their eyes. Thalia was holding Percy as he was laying in the soft grass screaming his lungs out in pain and sorrow. What could they do? "Fucking bombs," Nico said. "They tried to blow us up. Blowing us up!" He threw his hands in the air, another scream from Percy. "What do they think we are!" Grover turned around and looked at Nico, "They think we are threats, Nico. We are threats, we know it!" "We are people!" "We are dangerous!" Nico fell silent. "What would you do if a monster came into Camp?" "Well, kill it." "We are like monsters to them," Grover said, his hands hanging beside his body. He sighed looking up at the sky. "There are no Gods now to protect us or to fight for. We have to fight for our lifes and the lives of each other, Nico."

Nico looked up from the ground to Grover, saying,  "Were there ever any Gods to protect us?"


"Fuck..." Tony looked at the burning graveyard as he stepped out of the taxi. Smoke going up in the air, the smell, the hotness of the burning, it was like a war sight. He ran through the gates, the hotness consuming him. "Percy!" He shouted. "Someone!" He heard Percy's scream coming from the left, so he immediately turned that way and ran forward. "Percy! I'm coming for you, buddy!" Breathing was hard and it felt like his lungs were on fire. Running and fire, terrible combination. The smoke cleared up for a bit and he was in a sort of field of less smoke with three teenagers, one was holding a body. He recognized two, the girl with the tiara and Nico. 

As soon as Nico saw him he walked over to Tony with big steps to eventually grab him by his neck and push him towards the tree, stopping against the tree, choking the uncle of Percy. "DID YOU DO THIS!" He shouted. "DID YOU DO THIS!" "Nico!" Another boy came running up to them and stopped by Nico's side. "Let him go, Nico." The kid was weird, really weird. There were little horns on his head? What the... Tony's thoughts were stopped by Nico choking him even harder. "No, this bastard tried to blow us to pieces, including his own nephew." "Do you seriously think that if he did not care that he would come here, screaming for Percy?" "Where.... Is... P... P.... Percy?" Tony spat out, getting it out with a lot of pushing. Nico let go and Tony fell to the ground. "He's having a fucking episode because of your fucking bomb! Are we really fucking forgetting about this bullshit!" Nico shouted as he turned to Grover. "We are not, Nico, leave it for now." As Tony coughed on the ground, holding his left hand by his neck Nico turned around and walked away, towards the burning stones of death. 

"Thanks, I thought the kid was going to..." Tony said, but Grover interrupted. "Don't thank me, just thank Percy for being your family, otherwise I would have let him, idiot." Anger was in Grover's eyes, he did not care for this man, but Percy did, Nico could not and should not kill him. Well, yet. Blowing up teenagers, what the Tartarus is the government doing? "Want to see your nephew or what?" Grover started walking.

Tony stood up fastily and walked with the weird kid over to the other teenager holding a body. Oh god... "Is that....?" "Yes, he is." A scream escaped from the body. It was him. "What happened?" "Your fucking bomb happened, idiot," The girl said. "Blow something up or any other very loud darn sound and this happens, shouldn't you be like smart or..." "Come on, Thalia... Please." "What? He's seeing reality! I'm just telling it to him!" The weird kid sighed but smiled. What on earth? "You fucking murderer." "Thalia, stop..." "What! He  just blew up our chance on a normal life!" "We are not sure..." "He blew up the fucking graveyard, Grover! The chance of them coming back! The chance for Percy getting Annabeth back! For us to get all our friends back! Our family!" "Wait, how did blowing up a graveyard..." "Shut up, Tony. She's angry." "Angry!" Thalia shouted, standing up, laying Percy's head in the grass. "Angry!" She took a step towards the two. "I'm pissed off,  Grover! I am devastated! I want to bawl my eyes out! We just lost our chance of getting them back! All because of him!" She pointed at Tony and looked at him with a murderous look. 

"If you were not Seaweed Brain's uncle, I would have killed you by now, Stark." Thalia stepped away, her eyes spitting fire, little sparks of lightning flying of her hands. 

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