Chptr. 18

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"Don't lead your head hang low

You've seen the darkest skies I know 

Let your heart run like horses in the wild


The sun it glows like gold

Feel it warm as a burning coal

Let your soul shine bright like diamonds in the sky."

~ Home We'll Go by Walk Off The Earth from the album 'Sing It All Away'

(Song is on the side. There's also a remix by Steve Aoki of this song (I just prefer this version). This song is available on Spotify, Itunes, etc.) 



"Why!" Thalia screams at the window, little sparks flying off her hands, electricity flying through her while her tears started to fall. "Thalia..." But it's too late, Thalia grabs her hunting knife and throws it right at the window, shattering it and ending up in Thor's shoulder. As Thor curses under his breath in pain, Tony shouts, "Jarvis! Security!" "NO!" Thor yells. "Thalia, we have to go." "No, we can't leave him." "If we don't go we all go underground. We will pick him up later." Nico grabs Thalia's hand and pulled her with him through the shadows back to the apartment. Then the robot security came to the infirmary, scanning the room twice, not getting what they had to get rid off.


"What just happened?" Tony asks out loud to himself. "Nothing," Thor answers while pulling out the knife of his shoulder, not seeming to be bothered in any way. "But... But..." "And that's why this is all above your head." Tony opened his mouth to say something back, that Thor was wrong and that he could protect his cousin. But... He closed his mouth wisely, not being able to make a response that would be right for what just happened. Thor walked away towards the entrance of the infirmary, opened the door and walked over to Percy's body. A sigh escaped his mouth as he started to pull every wire from Percy's body. "What are you doing!" Banner yelled, running through the door. "Making him better." "This is will not make him better." "Trust me, mister Banner." Bruce stood there, a few feet away from Thor, not comprehending everything that just happened, including the incident. Thor ripped the last wire from Percy's body, picked him up and walked away. Away.


As the Norse God of Thunder arrived at the cemetery, Poseidon was already there. "I figured you'd be here," Thor said while giving the Greek God of the Sea a disappointed look. Poseidon looked down in shame, "I just..." "The Laws need to be changed, Poseidon. That's all I have to say about that." Poseidon walked over to Thor with a slow pace. "The thing is Thor... If I had that power, I would change them, but it lays with the Fates and Zeus." "You have more power than you think, Poseidon." "Maybe Thor..." He took Percy from Thor's arms, "But in the end, you are not the one that will be influenced..." Poseidon looked down and evaporated with Percy in his arms, probably heading towards Atlantis. "I just hope you know what you all are doing at Mount Olympus, dear God." 


"Why! Nico! Why!" Thalia punches the wall as she tries to get back. "Why..." As she punches the wall for the last time, she falls to her knees. "We don't have to worry, you just stabbed a God." "Wait. What did I do!" "Thor, you stabbed him, but don't worry he's Norse. But he knows and he will get Percy into safety." "How are you so sure?" "Because he still owed me something." "How... Whatever... When do we get Percy back?" "Probably not that fast, I'm afraid..." "Why?" "He's probably with Poseidon now, knowing Thor." "Well, then how on earth did you get the idea to not take him with us!" "Because, Thalia!" Nico sighed and calmed down. "We can't heal him, Poseidon can. We don't have ambrosia or anything else. And Poseidon might be able to know something about this being able to happen to him. That's why. So please trust me, Thalia. Just trust me, we are all we have right know." "I know. But I won't forgive you just yet." "Why not!" Nico shouts with a smile, throwing his hands in the air. "Because I want you to buy me some food."


And as our heroes fall back asleep in the apartment of Sally Jackson, Tony stares out of the window, fearing for his nephew's life. 


I'm so overly happy! I just, I can't explain to you guys how happy I am :) So I want to share this happiness by updating and some happy words to make you smile behind your screen!

Dear reader,

You are fucking awesome. (Yes, language, I know Steve!) You are looking nice, girl/dude/every freakin' person alive! DAYUM! That hair like that, what did you do? And that amazing personality! It looks absolutely great on you! You should totally keep it! And that smile! It makes you shine so bright! Even brighter than the sun! Oh no no, don't let it drop! C'mon smile some more! (it's amazing what more smiling can do for you!) 

Girl/guy/person, if you ever feel down, don't be! Stupid people are just stupid, they can't help it! They just still need to learn a lot of the world, stuff you already learned. Let it go and wait. Better people who fit you and treat you better are out there! :) And don't stress too much, yes work/school/problem/every shitty thing ever, is hard to survive in today's world. 

But like Michael said:  'Smile though your heart is aching. Smile even though it's breaking. When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by. If you smile with your fear and sorrow, smile and maybe tomorrow, you'll find that life is still worth while, if you just smile..." 

Love ya guys <3

Keep on smilin'!



(Edit: 12 - 4 - 2016: Percy is Tony's nephew! I got it wrong first, so I fixed it up!)

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