Chptr. 34

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"So give me hope in the darkness

That I will see the light

Cause oh they gave me such a fright

But I will hold as long as you like

Just promise we'll be all right..."

~ Ghosts That We Knew by Mumford & Sons from the album 'Babel'

(The song is on the side. Album can be found on Spotify iTunes, etc.)



"Tony?" Steve looked at the man in front of him. "That's it? No big party? I at least expected some balloons, ice man." "You're back..." Thor smiled and slapped with his right hand on Tony's back. "He is, man out of time, he is." "And you're back... What... Did they just let you go?" "Of course, why would they not?" Thor asked.  "Just... Nevermind. Let's get you guys back in the Tower." "So, have I missed anything?" Tony asked while walking next to Steve. "Yeah, kind of... Fury is filled with anger towards the kids who kidnapped you." "Well... We did deserve it, Steve..." Steve turned his head to Tony with a questioning look. "Yeah, we did. We literally blew up the graves of their friends and family... And my sister..." "Yeah..." They entered the Tower in silence, walking over to the elevator. "Welcome back, mister Stark." "Thank you, Jarvis. I missed you too." The elevator opened and the three of them went in. "Y'know, Fury's going to be pissed at you, Thor." "I will let him, I understand. But if he dares to crank one hair of the teenagers, I will personally take out his last eye." Steve stayed silent and just looked up at the ceiling of the elevator. AC/DC played in the background while the three just stood there with awkward looks on their faces. 


"Are we ready?" Percy asked, looking at the other demigods. "Yeah, I think," Nico answered, smiling at Will, who smiled back. "I guess so..." Thalia said with a soft voice. "It's just... We are going to leave everything behind. Everything..." Percy looked at Thalia with a sad look in his eyes. He said, "We are going to have a clean start. No Gods. Just us... And maybe some monsters, but we can beat those with one pinky..." Percy smiled and continued, "I think we can do this, together." "Let's do this," Thalia said with a big grin. 

The teenagers ran out of the apartment of memories, leaving behind their old lives. Ready to disappear, as if they never existed. Only memories of other people as evidence of their achievements. No pictures were left in the apartment of Percy or his friends, they were taken by the teenagers or burned in Central Park as if they were never there. You can imagine when Tony went to visit the apartment two days later he was shocked. Of course, he knew they were going to leave, but this... They just... Just gone. 


Two weeks later...

It had been a week since they had arrived in Alaska. Six days since they found a little abandoned wooden cabin in the dark woods of the state in the North. It had been five days since they had gotten themselves fake ID's and four since they had gotten new jobs. Nico started working as a dishwasher in an Italian restaurant in the little town nearby. Thalia helped out the local school, Will managed to be a help in the local PE and  well... Percy was a construction worker, he had the muscle and he just did not know what else to do... 

They blended in very well with the community, they were so lighthearted and they helped out a lot at the community center when they weren't working. But still... They just appeared out of nowhere with four of them. Where did they come from? Why did they come? The past was a mystery to the inhabitants of the town. And the teenagers wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible...


"Tony? It has been two weeks..." Pepper said, looking at her lover with a worried look. "They will not return..." "Maybe... Maybe..." "Tony, please... The Avengers need you, Stark Industries need you, S.H.I.E.L.D. needs you..." She stopped for a second before continuing with a whisper, "I need you..." Tony looked up, looking right into her eyes. "Okay..." He put a fake smile on his face and said, "Let's do this. Jarvis?" "Yes, sir?" "Put my music on in the shop, okay?" "Of course, sir." Pepper smiled as she saw Tony walking towards the elevator, hoping for the best. The moment he stepped into the elevator and the doors closed, Jarvis said, "Phase three, miss Potts?" "Phase three, Jarvis. Are you hearing this, Fury?" "Copy."


Hey everyone!

Again not the longest chapter, I have been having some writer's blockages, but! I am back and I am trying to get this story back to its fullest glory!

Keep on smilin'!

Lots of love,



ps. ideas are always welcome

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