One Way or Another \(^ v ^)/

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These are some one shots that I wrote in little zaps of inspiration. Since I'm too lazy to write a full story, yet I don't want them to go to waste, so here we are, reading my kinda suckish works. My writing style constantly evolves, so the earlier works will be different compared to the more recent ones, so please bear with me.

So, if any of you want me to write a one shot about you with any lad of 1D, inbox me or comment me. Provide me with the vital info like your name ( this is really important, I need to know who you are ), age, how you wanna look ( you can change this bit if you want ), and how you want the story to go (preferably you provide me with this bit of info, I'm kinda lazy to think most of the time).

Oh yeah, and something you need to know. I work like a snail, so bear with me, I might not update that fast, masterpieces don't just appear overnight no matter how much of a genius I am. Even if I haven't written any 1D stories in a while, I'll still try my best if you ever ask.

So, please take care of me.

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