They Don't Know About Us [ Louis Tomlinson ]

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* Abby's POV *

I always dread opening my Twitter.

I can't even open it without seeing the hate people send me.

@VanaHearts1D - Bitch, attention seeker. You don't deserve Louis.

@Sara_Tommo12 - Louis is mine. Just go and commit suicide. The world is a better place without you.

@GinaTomlinson - You must be anorexic, you're so ugly. Just go and kill yourself.

@Grace41D - You won't last with him you know. He's going to dump you soon.

@Dina_CarrotQueen - I know you're just using him for fame. Attention seeker!

I could feel the tears flowing freely down my cheeks. Although this is nothing new to me, but it still hurts. I totally understand what Danielle and Eleanor went through in the past. And it's been getting worse since Louis and I went public a year ago.

We been dating for the past two and a half years. At first we dated behind my parents back, as they were really strict about stuff like this, since we're sort of the rather traditional Indian family. But when they found out, they were surprisingly cool with it, although my father did threaten to break every bone in Louis' body if he ever hurt me.

We managed to keep our relationship a secret from the media and the fans, since the lads were busy with touring and stuff like that. They always manage to secure me jobs with them, so I would be travelling together with them all the time. That way, we got to hang out and date without things looking suspicious.

Until sometime last year, we got a little careless and went out on a date without disguises and we got caught by some paparazzi. Within the next 6 hours, we were on every gossip column all around the world. At first, I only got hate because I was seen with the boys but now that the word is out that I'm dating Louis, all hell broke loose. 

Louis tried to assure me that things were fine and that we would go through it together. The girlfriends of the other boys tried to comfort me and told me that things would get better and to just ignore those haters. But it's easier said than done.

I'm not sweet and strong like Rathika who would still reply politely to the hates she received, and the fans adored her. She's so sweet and polite all the time, it's no wonder that Harry worships the ground she walks on. 

I'm not tough and sassy like Allison who always finds some sarcastic way to reply to the hates she receives. It's a good thing she has Niall, since he is the only one who can calm her down and make her think rationally or else, I swear she would have punched someone in the face. But people admire her for her toughness, and so do we. She actually gives Lou a run for his money for the title of Sass Master.

Lily, like her boyfriend, is just too sensible to do any thing rash, unlike some people I could mention. * cough * Allison * cough * She'll just reply in some polite manner, and she's calm all the time, even when they are hundreds of girls screaming insults at you every single day. I still don't know how she does it.

And then there's Perrie, who doesn't care so much about the hates. She ignores all of them and chooses to focus more on her career. It's no wonder that Little Mix is one of the biggest bands around the world, next to One Direction of course. 

The other  girls have their own ways of handling it. But I don't. All I can do is just try to hold it in and not cry. But it's hard, I don't think I can hold it in much longer. And I can't keep going to them for help, since sometimes, the more they try to help, the worst I feel.

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