Anything Could Happen [ Harry Styles ]

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* Kenna's POV *

I refuse to believe a word that Nadia is saying right now.

" Come on, Kenna. You know that it could happen right? "

" Please. It's impossible. We may live in the same city, but the chances of us meeting each other is so remote, much less date him. "

Nadia shot me an smirk. Oh, no. Not again.

Yet since we found out, since we found out

That anything could happen

Anything could happen, anything could happen

Anything could happen, anything could happen

Anything could happen

Anything could...

Oh my gosh, everyone is staring at us. Jeez, this girl has no qualms about singing in public. Thank goodness her voice is still pretty decent, or else.....

Well, I get what Nadia's trying to say to me. But it's impossible...

He's THE Harry Styles, 1/5 of the hottest boyband on Earth, with millions of fans throwing themselves at him and his pick of any beautiful woman he wants. Okay, even though I do meet him, pigs will fly before he actually takes fancy in me. 

Who am I, compared to those gorgeous women he dates? I'm just plain Kenna Foster, the shy, quiet nerd who spends all her time in the library. Besides, I'm just one of the millions of girls who have a crush on him.

" Yeah, yeah, you've made your point. "

" Seriously, consider for a moment that anything could happen, alright? Impossible is nothing, and you are nothing without faith. "

I just rolled my eyes at her, and thought of something to change the topic.

" Anyways, you still going to the masquerade next Friday ? "

That caught her attention. " Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world. "

Speaking of the masquerade, it's my cousin, Sandra's 21st birthday. Since my uncle is involved in politics, he thought it would be a good idea to turns his daughter's 21st birthday into a lavish social event, attend by the rich, powerful and famous.

Nadia got invited because Sandra told me to bring a friend. Sandra's pretty down-to-earth compared to the rest of her family, and she hated the fact that her 21st birthday has turned into a complete circus.

" Hey, wanna go dress shopping after this ? "

Nadia's face lit up as she heard this.

" Of course. "


~ Friday, Night of the Masquerade ~

" Nadia, are you done yet? We'll be late! " I shouted as I pounded on her door.

" Yes. Let's go. " She shouted and opened the door.

She took one look at me, before launching into her usual exaggerating self.

" Wow, Ken, you look absolutely beautiful. "

" Pft, please. You're the one that looks gorgeous. "

It's true. She looked stunning in her indigo coloured dress with silver detailing around the waist, along with a pair of indigo Christian Loboutons ( A/N: They're shoes, if you don't know ) to match. She carrying an intricate silver and indigo masquerade mask, along with a similar one, only it's burgundy and it had a plume of burgundy feathers right at the crown.

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