Perfect [Harry Styles]

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* Siti's POV *

When someone attacked me from the back in the dressing rooms, I thought it was some kind of axe murder. But turns out it was only Harry. I guess I should explain myself a little.

I'm a student studying textiles and fashion at school, and I'm taking a year off to get some work experience. Thanks to a friend who had some connections, she managed to land me this job, as a stylist's assistant for One Direction.

And it is one job to die for. But the lady who interviewed me warned me, this was not an easy job. In fact, many before me have quit. Apparently, they can’t cope with the pressure from the demanding schedule the boys have.

I remembered my first day at work, which was back in July. I was really nervous as I didn't know what to expect at all. This is seriously my first job, and I'm already 19 going on 20. Sucks I know, but I've always lived a sheltered life. My parents have been very protective towards us kids. You have no idea how much time and effort it took for me to persuade them to let me take a year off, I nearly died bargaining with them. Just kidding...

Anyways, their stylist, Lou was very nice, and personally I think she's amazing. She taught me loads of things and she's great to work with.

Meeting the boys however, was another thing. I kinda expected them to have all sorts of demands when it comes to styling them but they surprisingly have no demands at all. In fact, they let you do whatever you want, as long as it's not too over the top yet sticking to their personal styles. Seriously, they are like 5 gorgeous Ken dolls for you to play dress up with.

I've got to say, I'm impressed with them. They are really nice people, although they keep teasing me and torturing me. They can't even pronounce my name properly, but alas, how many people actually can...?

"How in the world do you pronounce your name?" Louis threw his arms up in defeat when he failed to pronounce my name for the umpteenth time here.

"It's pronounced like the word 'city'." I smiled at them.

"Oh, sorry."

"It's okay, not many ever get it right, unless I tell them." I smiled at him.

Well, yeah. Ever since that incident, they always got my name right, which is a nice change from everyone else. 

Going on tour with them is exhausting, even as a stylist. We are one of the first to get up in the morning, and one of the last to go to bed at night. I've been sleep deprived since the first week. Seriously, if this is what it's like for us, what will it be like for the lads? It's a miracle that they're still standing right at this moment. All I know is that I might be six foot under by now if were to do the same.

The tour's been amazing so far, even though we're almost done with the TMH tour. Loads of laughs and pranks, hardly ever a dull day in the 1D camp. The boys from 5SOS are amazing too, even though they usually team up with the 1D lads to prank me, or just make fun of me. I'm always their victim, it's not fair.

"But Siti, you are so innocent, and adorable, we just can't help it..."

Harry would give me the puppy dog eyes, which pretty soon appeared on 8 other faces, after I found out they were the ones who stashed the make up case, which I was in charge of. I panicked when I found it missing, and when I freaked out in front of them, they collapsed in laughter. Niall and Michael high fived each other when they saw my face.

They are mean, but it was just harmless fun. They really are an interesting bunch, and they always get me to cook for them, which I think I should get paid extra for it, but that’s another story. Out of all of them, my favourite would have to be Harry because he’s really easy to talk to, and he would always cheer me up when I’m down or stressed. Of course, the others can’t know about this or else I’m done for it.

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