Starbucks Anyone? [ Niall Horan ]

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* Nina's POV *

I'm so excited right now, I could literally feel the happiness oozing out of me!


Because today's the day me along with my sister Kayla and bestie Alexis are going to...*drumroll please *... Los Angeles.

Yup, you heard me. Los Angeles, the famed City of Angels for the next 2 months.

It's a good thing I've got an aunt there or else I wouldn't be able to go at all. Since last summer, I've been saving up for a trip like this. Moving here to Mississippi, all the way from England wasn't easy, leaving all my friends back home. Now, I'm counting on this trip to cheer me up.

Aunt Maria is definitely our favourite, she treats us all like her own daughters. She's still really young, around 30 or so but she looks like a 25 year old.

" Woohoo, LA here we come....! " Lex shouted the moment we got off the plane.

" Shh, keep it down. " I shushed her as some of the other passengers were giving us dirty looks.

" Live a little, Ni. "

We went off to collect out luggage before heading out to the waiting area to look for my aunt. I looked around for a moment before I saw her standing in the furthest corner, with a huge smile on her face. We all made our way towards her for a huge bear hug, for some reason, she loves giving us those.

" My dears, you're here. " She smiled.

" Yup, 2 months. " Kayla grinned.

" Let's be off. "

We made our way into a car and she drove us off to her house. She has this amazing beach house in Santa Monica. I've only seen pictures of it, never in real life. But now, I'm officially astounded by the size of the place, which is humongous. 

" Like it? " Aunt Maria turned to us with a smile.

" Are you kidding me? I love it... " Lex practically screamed.

" Then let's go inside, shall we? "

The first thing we did when we went in, was to run up to the bedrooms upstairs. I grabbed to furthest room down the corridor, and I was greeted by a welcome sight. The room was painted a brilliant sky blue with white lace curtains. The windows were open, so a good breeze was blowing in and it looks out to the ocean. I definitely picked the best room here.

" Aww, man. I shoulda picked this one. " I hear Kayla whining behind me.

" You snooze, you lose. " I smirked at her as we went downstairs. Aunt Maria was already waiting for us.

" Girls, I'm going off to work. I'll be back late, so you don't have to wait up. You'll be good right? "

" Of course we'll be.  "

" Super. Go do some exploring on your own, might as well get to know this neighbourhood since you're here for the next 2 months. And here are some keys for you. "

She handed us three sets of keys. " Okay, I'm off. Have fun. "

" Bye. " The three of us chorused as she left.

We plopped down on the sofa, trying to figure out what to do next. Lex shot up with a brilliant idea.

" There's an amusement park near here right? Let's go then. "

" Well, as long as we get some lunch first and after we walk around the place. "

" Alright, let's go. "

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