Paper Airplanes [ Harry Styles ]

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* Rathika's POV *

He asked me to meet him at that park near my place at 11.30 this morning. Okay, this should be interesting...

Although to many of you, a trip to the park may seem boring and unimaginative to you but Harry has this amazing way of turning to the most boring dates into very interesting ones.

Yes, you read correctly, my boyfriend is Harry Styles, 1/5 of One Direction. 

To this day, I can't believe how lucky I am. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this to happen to me. I remembered the time when I was 15, scrolling down my timeline on Facebook and reading posts about them. One in particular always stuck to my mind: 

Somewhere in this world, there are five girls walking around, not knowing that they'll one day marry the boys of One Direction. 

Me: Relax, I'm sitting down.

I've always found that post funny, because of how true it was, although not so much about the ' relax, I'm sitting down ' part....

One of my friends, whom I shall not name to protect her privacy, is always saying how I'll one day meet Harry Styles, fall in love and marry him. I always laugh it off, knowing how impossible and ridiculous that is. I think she knows it too, just that she always loves to mess with me....

But what I didn't know is, that what she said actually happened 3 years later. I did meet him, in the most cliche way possible.

It was raining, and I was at the library, studying for my exams. I was done studying but the rain made it impossible for me to leave without getting wet, and I didn't bring an umbrella with me. So, I was stuck there until the rain stops or at least until in slows down to a drizzle. That place was practically deserted, as no one comes in when it rains, except the odd person that barges in to wait out the rain. And on that particular day, that person was Harry Styles.

He came running into the library, obviously escaping from the rain. He brushed of the droplets of water from his shirt and sat down in the nearest chair. I wasn't really paying attention to him, he was on his phone and I was just daydreaming and staring off into space. My eyes wandered around the library, and I caught him smiling at me. I stopped and looked behind me to check whether he was smiling at me or at someone else.

He moved to sit in the chair across the table.

" Hello. You don't have to look behind, because I am smiling at you. "

I was a bit uncertain about answering him. I obviously know who he is, I mean who doesn't know, unless you've been living under a rock for the past 5 years. I just don't know why would he randomly start smiling at me?

I'm a huge fan of One Direction back then, and still am. Once a Directioner, always a Directioner.

But hey, I'm not one of those crazy fans who stalk them every where they go, and are willing to spend 8 hours out in the cold just to get a glimps of them. No, sir. I will not go to that extent. I love my bed too much for that.

My absolute favourite was Harry, and he's right there in front of me. How can I not fan girl, and why am I not fan girling?  I seriously don't know why....

" Erm, hi? " I said uncertainly.

He gave me a low chuckle. " Bit speechless, love? "

" No really. I'm just wondering why Harry Styles is sitting in front of me, in a library, and I'm strangely not fan girling in his presence. "

" Ahh, so I guess you are a fan then. "

I bit my lip, trying to figure out how not to sound like just another one of his fans.

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