Paper Hearts [ Louis Tomlinson ]

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* Rose's POV *

The phone started ringing a couple of feet away from me.

It's already midnight, usually I wouldn't entertain these calls in the middle of the night, as it might wake Elliot up. But this time, I had a gut feeling that told me not to ignore this call. I walked to the bedside table and hit the answer button. 

" Hello ? "

A deep voice answered, it was Liam. " Rose, we need you to you here in the hospital. It's Louis, he's been in a car accident. "

Oh My Gosh! How can this happen? Not Louis, not him....

" I'll be there in 10. "

" Okay. " The line disconnected.

I scrambled to get Elliot. 

" Eli, wake up. We need to go somewhere fast. Wake up. "

He woke up, rubbing his eyes sleepily, and I struggled to put him in some decent clothes. I just threw on an old pair of jeans lying on the floor. I didn't even think of anything else. I just held onto Elliot and grabbed my purse and car keys.

I strapped him into the car seat and climbed robotically into the driver's seat and started driving.

"Mumma, where are we going? " A sleepy voice beside me asked.

" We going to see Dadda, alright sweetie? "

He just nodded and drifted off. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have brought him there but this is his father we're talking about. I didn't know what to think. I just tried my best to focus on the road and get to the hospital as soon as possible.


I ran to the desk as fast as I can, but it's not an easy task, carrying a sleeping child in your arms.

" Excuse me, could you tell me which room is Louis Tomlinson in ? "

The nurse on duty looked up and quickly typed something into the computer.

" He's in OR 3. Just walk down this corridor and take the second turning on the left. "

" Thank you. "

I literally ran down the corridor. It's amazing that Elliot was still asleep. When I got to the OR ( Operation Room ), I saw that the rest of the lads were already there. Niall and Zayn stood up from the seat they was sitting on, allowing me to lay Elliot down.

" Rose, I... " Niall began to to say some thing, but I cut him off. Whatever he had to say is not important right now

" Not, now Niall. How is he? "

Liam answered with a sombre look. " He's still in there. He was at a traffic light, waiting for the light to turn green. When it did, he stepped on it, but a drunk driver who didn't see the red light, rammed into his car. That's what we got from the witnesses. "

Oh my God. Why did this have to happen to him. He was a good man, why?

Just then, a doctor followed by a nurse came out of the OR. I was the first one to stand up. " How is he ? "

The doctor peered at me. " And you are..."

" I'm his wife. "

The doctor continued. " He lost a lot of blood, and we'll be giving him some transfusions. But his blood type is O ( A/N : I think his blood type is O ) and the blood bank is running out on O. We need a donor. anyone here with the blood type O? "

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