Change My Mind [ Zayn Malik ]

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* Kendal's POV *

" Did you watch their new video, it's so bloody good! " Kate exclaimed.

" Uh huh, it's so good. They looked so cute...! " Anya agreed.

Oh My God! Why do I have to hear about One Direction and how hot they look every single minute of every single day?

Seriously, what's so good about them anyway?

I mean, sure, they were really good when they were on X-Factor but now, what happened?

Multiple tattoos that make them look like gangsters ( not kidding here ), and the never ending speculation of, what do they call it, yeah, Larry Stylinson  thing, or was it  Niam ?

Argh, don't really know, absolutely don't care...

But how do I know so much about them, you may ask? Am I perhaps, a closet Directioner?

Hell no!

It's just that having people talking about them around you all the time is bound to rub off sometime...

They are turning into one of those typical cookie cutter boy bands which is so mainstream and it's damn bloody annoying, although I have to admit, most of them look pretty cute, especially that blondie, what's his name again? Niel? No, Niall....

And SOME of their songs are relatively nice, but I still love my alternative rock. Go Imagine Dragons!

All too soon, Rachel and Kriss joined in the conversation.

" You watched it? It was absolutely brilliant...!" Kriss practically shouted.

" You mean bril-Liam ? " Rachel corrected with a smirk.

" Guys, stop it! Can we have like a Anti 1D day please? I'm so sick and tired of them, posters, magazines, videos. I can't even go on Tumblr without seeing some thing related to them. "

" NO DEAL! " All of them chorused together.

Darn in!

" You know what, as soon as One Direction comes into the picture, I go, alright? See ya later, losers. Don't miss me too much..."

" We won't . " Came the answer.

" Ouch, straight to the heart...." I pretended to clutch the front of my shirt and gave them a hurt look.

I grabbed my beg and headed to the library, the one place I'm assured of a One Direction free enviroment where I can finally relax. Home is not an option, as my sisters are worst fan girls than my friends. Their rooms were filled with 1D posters and merchandise, and their music blasts throughout the house 24/7.

It's practically a miracle that I'm still sane and alive....

I walked in and the librarian on duty, Mrs. Brown, gave me a warm smile. She's my favourite librarian, and I'm her favourite too. Maybe it's the fact that I've been coming here since I was a little kiddie?

" Good afternoon, Mrs. Brown. "

" Afternoon to you to, Kendal. " She replied with another smile.

I headed up to the fiction section. I've always loved it here, the smell of the book pages and the leather bindings. After selecting a couple of books, I settled down in the comfiest chair in he corner of the library. The whole place was practically empty, since it's a weekday and all.

I was just about to start  Chapter 6 of ' My Sister's Keeper ', when a bunch of guys barged into the room, creating a lot of noise. Argh, why can't people be quiet and leave me to read in peace?

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