A Birthday To Remember [ Zayn Malik ]

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* Keshika's POV *

I woke up on the morning of my 17th birthday not knowing what to expect. And it was only 6 in the morning, mind you.

I know that other 17 year olds are currently studying to face the biggest test of their lives, the SPM examination a.k.a. the exam that will determine your future, but for me, I'm more worried about the results of mine. Those of us born in January can apply to move forward one year, that means you join the kids who are born in, say 1997 even though you are really born on the 12th January of 1998. 

And that's my case. But today, I'm emo about something else entirely.

So, I got out from bed and went into my bathroom to wash up before heading downstairs. When I got down, everyone was already up, at 6.30 in the morning, smiling hugely at me. If it was my dad, understandable cause he had to work but by lazy bone of a brother too? And he looks, dressed to go to somewhere too....

What's going on here?

" Happy birthday, Keshi. " My mother smiled as she gave me a hug.

My dad and my bro hugged me too, which was weird since they weren't this touchy feely with me, never in my life. It's freaking me out....!

" Okay, you've had your fun. So, why are all of you up at 6.30? "

" Well, since it's your birthday, we have a surprise for you. We've been planning this for months. "

" Okay, now I'm scared. What is it? "

My dad smiled and passed me the envelope he's been holding in his hands. Curiously, I opened it and you cannot even imagine the shock I'm in.










In KL for tonight.....!!!


Wait, is this a dream?

* pinches self HARD on the cheeks *

Nope, it hurts, definitely not a dream.....

Which means, I will be meeting One Direction today, on my 17th birthday....

And it's Zayn's birthday too.

I started bouncing around the room, like a crazy person, out of joy. The rest of my family just stared at me with amused looks on their faces, obviously enjoying my moment of craziness.

" Okay, calm down Keshi. "

 " Your brother is going to take you and your friends to KL at 9.30. Don't worry, your friends already know. "

What, the bunch of traitors already knew before me? I thought it was my birthday. Oh well.....

I picked up the tickets and observed the words printed on it.

The concert was starting at 8, admissions start at 5. We'll reach KL at about 1-ish, plus time for lunch and stuff like that. We'll be like, 4 hours early? Our seats weren't in the VIP section, or the Rock Zone but not the back either. We're somewhere in the middle, which was already good enough for me, since tickets were damn bloody expensive.

Written on the back of the envelope was the names of my friends going with me: Rathika, Amy and Allison. My brother apparently declined to be anywhere near the concert venue.

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