Kiss Me [Niall Horan]

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A/N: No guarantees for grammar and spelling mistakes, I blame it on watching Ao no Exorcist as I write...


“Rise and shine already, sleeping beauty!” An awfully bright voice chirped in my ear. 

I didn’t even bother opening my eyes to see who it was. I just turned over and pulled the covers tighter over myself.

“Go away Mel! It’s too early for this crap.”

“Girl, it’s like 10 in the morning. Wake up already…” 

“No, just leave. I’m not moving from this bed, not ever.” 

“You promised that we’d go swimming today…” 

“No, come back tomorrow.”

I silently prayed that she’d leave me alone this time, like she’d done previously. But I should’ve known that she never was the type to back down this easily. Just when I zoned out for a second, she yanked at my sheets and I found myself landing face first on the floor.

“Oh yay, you’re out of bed. Now you can go get ready and we’ll be at the pool in no time at all.” She offered me a bright smile which made me glare at her in return. 

“I never agreed to go with you. I’m going back to bed now, feel free to close the door when you leave.” 

Mel gave a sigh and shot me a look, a look I knew very well. “Trins, this is getting out of hand.” 

“Everything is fine the way it is.” I grumbled. 

“No, it’s not. I know Niall hasn’t been talking to you much, and you guys haven’t seen each other in person for over 4 months and you have been feeling depressed about it.” 

“I wasn’t… depressed.” I finished lamely, knowing full well how true those words were. 

“Stop lying to yourself, you were unhappy about it all this time. Yes, I know it’s painful to be away from him but this is getting out of hand. Tell me, when’s the last time you went out into the actual sunshine?” 

“Yesterday. I went to the bookstore.” 

“Right but that doesn’t really count. Let me rephrase, when was the last time you went out to see your other friends outside of your house besides the times we perform at the bar?” 

“…. I don’t exactly remember.” 

“Precisely, that’s why you need to get out of your house. The summer is almost over by now.” 

The summer, huh? 

The day we met was also on a summer day, 5 years ago. The river, the guitar, the glint of dyed blond hair and the band competition, all those memories from that time were still fresh in my mind but the difference between the bright eyed 15 year old and the 20 year old me is staggering. Sometimes, I don’t even know what changed.

But the summer is coming to an end and I’ll be going back to school soon, might as well enjoy what’s left of it. 

I stood up and ran my fingers through my hair. “Fine, I’ll humour you just this once. Give me 15 minutes.” 

The look of worry contorted into a hopeful smile as she watched me make my way to the bathroom. I think she’s really glad to get me out of the house just this once. 

To be honest, I wasn’t too hung up on the fact that my boyfriend couldn’t spend as much time with me like the other couples could. I really like what we have right now and we’re comfortable to go at our own pace. Niall was, and still is, a celebrity, and dating one was never an easy job; that I knew from the start. We worked hard to keep us out of the spotlight, from Niall fabricating a ‘cousin’ story to keep people quiet, to buying a house right here in my hometown ‘to get away from all that’ whenever he needed. Of course, those are just lies we fed to the public continuously. 

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