Prince of Song [Louis Tomlinson]

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Hello, my name is Marjuka, friends and family call me Mara. You may be thinking, “Who the hell is this chick here?” but that’s okay. You may not know me now, but you will soon.

 Let’s start of with the fact that I’m an actress. So far I haven’t been any huge productions yet, just small cameos and supporting roles on TV shows and a couple of movies, but all of that just changed. I just came back from the studio one day when my agent called me.

 “Mara, I’ve got some big news!” My agent, Stella’s voice screeched out as soon as I pressed ‘answer’.

 “What sort of big news?”

 “You know you got that role on Prince of Song right?”

 “Yeah, so?”

Prince of Song was a brand new TV series they have planned, with a full, glittering cast of world famous singers for the lead roles. It’s about this girl who entered a prestigious music academy and the struggles she faced in hopes of becoming a composer for her favourite artist.

Apparently, it was adapted from a Japanese comic book and they made several changes here and there to the plot to make it more appealing to audiences of all ages. It took me countless auditions for me to even land a role as a supporting in this show, and the competitions were strong, since the producers wanted new faces, except for the male leads who were all established, recording artists. If I nailed this, it would alter my career for the better. 

“You know the girl who got the lead, Maria Dupret?” 

“Yeah, so?

 “Well, she was injured in a recent car accident. Broke her leg and got a few scratches on that pretty face of hers. Since the shoot starts next month and she can’t recover in time, the producers dropped her and looked for someone else to fill her role. Guess who they picked?”

“Err… who?” I asked dumbly, my brain still not registering the hints. 

“You, silly! They looked over your profile and decided you were the best choice, even the director approved. I have your brand new script right here with me, I’m on my way to drop it off at your apartment right now.”

My brain was disconnected from my body. Me, a lead role? My body was frozen and my phone slipped from my fingers and clattered onto the floor.

 “Hello, Mara? You’re still there? Hello?” 

I forced myself back into reality and picked up the phone once more. “Yeah, I’m right here.”

 “Mara, this is a big fish. Nail this, and you will have loads of producers begging for you to work with them.” 

“I know, I’m still shocked about it.” 

“Don’t worry, you can do this. I believe in you. See you soon okay?”


I plopped down onto my bed and stared at my wall. I still couldn’t believe my luck, all my years of hard work are finally catching up. With a smile, I reached over and grabbed my old script. Looks like I won’t be needing this anymore.

I flipped through the pages and read the lines which I have already highlighted. I flipped from the back to the front until my eyes caught the sight of something. The original cast list. I let my eyes rake over the names until my eyes stopped at one particular name. 


 Oh my God, I have totally forgotten about this. One of the reasons why I was so excited about being part of this show, was because I’d get to meet one of my favourite idols of all time, Louis Tomlinson. Of course, how could I forget him? His gentle blue-green eyes that always sparkled, his infectious laughter and his angelic voice which I loved since One Direction was still in X-Factor.

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