Hope At Last [ Zayn Malik ]

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* Natalia's POV *

It's been more than 3 months since my mum threw me out of the house.

9 months since Joshua passed on.

9 months since my life spiraled downwards.

Joshua was my elder brother, my best and only friend in this world. He died 6 months ago, when a drunk driver hit him when he was crossing the road. The bloody bastard only sustained some minor head injuries and broken bones while my brother died on impact. I would have throttled the bastard on the spot if I had not been bombarded with the question of how are we going to survive, now that Josh is gone. He was only 22.

Before this, my brother worked 2 jobs to support our family. My father left long ago when I was only 3 and Josh, 7. I don't know where the hell he is, or how is he now. I have long since assumed that my father had died. My mum has a problem with drugs. She started using after I turned 10, saying she needed some relief from the life she had.

To me, it's bullshit....!

Almost half of what Josh made went to my mum's drug funds. She coasted for 3 years, trying to earn enough money for her drugs and to keep our family afloat. But the moment Josh turned 18, she made him quit school to work. In other words, earn money for her drugs. She was high most of the time, and couldn't really work all the time. But Josh did it anyway, mostly because of me. He worked most of the time just to keep our family afloat, to put me through school and to keep mum's supply of drugs.

 Once he was gone, I had to take on 2 jobs as well, not that I could earn much with part time jobs. She tried to make me quit school too, but I refused. My education is my only chance of survival and getting away fromm thhis hell hole. No way in hell am I going to let that go!

She hasn't been happy with me since we fought about my education. Now she snaps insults at me every chance she got.

" You are a good for nothing slut! I swear, if you prostitute yourself out on the streets, no man would ever want you. You are so ugly. " She screamed.

" Well, if I'm good for nothing, who's the one earning money for your fucking drugs? " I snapped back at her.

I have been putting up with this shit for the past 6 months. I've had enough.

" Don't you dare talk back at me you bitch! I'm still your mother "

" Yeah, like you've ever acted like one. "

In a split second, a palm appeared out of nowhere and slapped me across the cheek.

" Joshua never gave me this kind of problems in the past. Why can't you be like him? "

" Because he did it for me, not you. Do you know how much he hated the fact that you are taking half of his wages to buy your fucking drugs. He told me before that if he weren't for me, he would have left you to rot long ago. "

Another slap hit me on my left cheek.

" Get out, now! This is my house, and you're not welcomed here. "

" Fine, I'll just get my stuff and go! "

I ran upstairs and grabbed the little clothes I had and stuffed them into my backpack. I grabbed my Samsung Galaxy Tab, along with my iPhone and iPod before leaving. Te last three were my most prized possessions, which Josh bought for me with what little savings he had. I took a last look at my room before leaving. This was once a place of happiness and escape, a place that me and Josh would hide when my is having one of her highs. The feeling of nostalgia almost made me wanna stay.

No, not anymore. This time, I'm leaving for good, I told myself.

I trudged down the stairs and headed for the door without looking at my mum.

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