Learn To Love Again [ Liam Payne ]

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* Liam's POV *

I still can't get it out of my head the fact the Danielle and I have broken up, for the 2nd time. This time, we both agreed that it was for the best, we both wanted do do what's best for our careers.

This is the best way, but it still hurts....

Earlier, Louis sent me a text to join the rest of them at that new club, which I forgot the name, but I wanted some time alone to think. As close as the five of us are, seeing the same faces 24/7 gets old real quick.

Here I am, wandering around the streets, enjoying the cool night air and some peace in my mind. I walked and walked until I came to this park. Feeling tired already, I sat down in this bench, enjoying the cool night air on my face.

I was lost in my own thoughts, probably coming off to other people as insane as I was staring off into space, when I heard someone sobbing, a girl I think. I looked up and saw a girl crying quietly on the next bench.

I know it's none of my business, but I can't stand it when I see someone crying, especially if it's a girl. It's bit of risk, to approach her just like that, but I took it went up to her anyway.

" Hey, are you alright? "

She looked up and a bit of confusion crossed her face.

" Liam Payne? "

* Kate's POV *

I was so bloody happy this morning...

Me and Dennis have been dating for a year now, to the day in fact. Last week, he was talking about a surprise for me tonight, he wouldn't even give me any hints about it! I went all smiley faced for the rest of the week.

Dennis Jackson was one of the best catches in our school.

The captain of the school football ( soccer ) team, not to mention one of the best students in school because of his perfect grades. He's blond, with emerald green eyes that sparkle every time he laughed and a killer smile that could melt girls on the spot, not to mention he's a six-footer in all his muscled glory. He's got girls drooling after him left and right.

And then there's me, the average everything girl, with curly brown hair and blue eyes that look almost translucent on my pale face. I can't play sports. I'm not artistic. My grades sucked, I failed my maths once. I read too much. The only thing I'm good at was sleeping, eating and reading. There you have it, the one of world's biggest loser, but also one of the luckiest because I had him, Dennis Jackson, who's my everything.

My friend Ashley, was so excited about the whole thing. She even offered to come here and help my prepare for the ' big night ' as she called it. 

I was really excited, going through my closet for something to wear and all. I picked up clothing after clothing, but I can't seem to find the perfect one.

Too dressy? No.

Too casual? No.

I was still going through my closet when I realized my phone was still dead from this morning. I grabbed my phone and plugged it into the charger before going back to my my clothes. After a good 10 minutes, I went over to check my phone, since it was dead for pretty much the entire day. I typed in my lock screen to unlock my phone. I glanced at the screen.

You have 2 messages.

You have 1 voicemail.

I decided to check my messages first. Both of the were from Ashley.

To: Kate - Hey, what time should I come over?

To: Kate - Dude, seriously, what time? If you don't text me back in 15 minutes, don't come begging for me to help you.

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