The Music Sounds Better With You [ Niall Horan ]

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* Trinity's POV *

The competition is in 2 and a half weeks and we haven't even prepared anything yet...!

I knew it was kind of dumb to join this singing competition with them. Well, I've never actually sang in front of a crowd. Yeah, blame me for singing too loud in the shower all the time.....

" Come on, Trins. You're so good at this, it should be easy for you. " Bells urged me.

" But I've never sang in front of a crowd before.... " I protested.

" Come on, please...? Pretty please...? " Mel asked.

The both of them gave me the puppy dog eyes which they know I can't resist.

" Fine, jeez. Stop giving me those eyes. Ugh, why am I even doing this? " I sighed.

" Yay! " Mel and Bells both cheered.

Nope, but I'm not going down without my other bestie, Holly. It took some work, but in the end she agreed to sing with us. So now, the 4 of us are officially known as Skyfall. And that was only 3 days ago...

Now, I'm really panicking....!!!

" Oh my gosh, why does the melody sound so off....? " I face-palmed myself.

" Trins, relax. Breathe. " Holly assured me.

I did like she told me, but I'm not feeling any better.

" The competition is in 2 weeks, and we're not prepared at all...! "

" Come on, we'll pull through this. Even if we only started practicing 24 hours before the competition, we'll still be able to make it. "

" Say, the Queen of Last Minute Work.... " I mumble to no one in particular but I guess Holly heard me, and she rolled her eyes at me.

We were actually planning to sing Nothing by The Script. But it seemed to me like no matter how much we practiced, we still sound a little off. I know I'm making a big fuss out of things but I can't help if I'm nervous. The girls know how nervous I am, so we were all trying to help each other out.

" Let's just stop for the day. We'll be back tomorrow, and we'll work this out. " Bells suggested.

" Sounds good to me. " Mel agreed.

" Hang in there Trins. Try not to kill yourself while we're gone, alright? " Holly smirked as she walked out the door.

I rolled my eyes at her as I shut the door before heading upstairs. The weather outside was nice today, sunny with blue sky that hardly carried a hint of clouds. In other words, my kind of day. Much too nice to be cooped up in a room.  Grabbing my guitar case and a novel I was currently reading, I headed out to my favourite spot in town.

I went to the one place that I can always think, a spot near near the riverbank. Nice shade, beautiful view, perfect for a peace and quiet afternoon. I got there like 15 minutes later, inhaling the fresh air that surrounds that area. I sat down in the cool grass, not caring whether it was dirty or whatever. I'm a really outdoorsy type of girl who likes stuff like camping and hiking and stuff like that, so a little dirt don't matter to me. 

I sat my guitar case down and proceeded to read the novel I brought, Finale, the last instalment of the Fallen series by Becca Fitzpatrick. I've been waiting for an entire year to read that book, since the last book, Silence ended with a cliff hanger. I'm dying to know what's going to happen to Patch and Nora, and Scott too. Yep, two of my greatest passions in life are music and books. Sue me...

But I was barely into 2 chapters when my thoughts started to drift away from the printed pages and back to the competition. I tired to force myself to focus of the story instead, but it was useless. I slammed the book shut and set it aside. I took out my guitar and started playing the chords to Nothing.

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