The Protector [ Zayn Malik ]

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* Siew Yong's POV *

I absolutely hate my job!

My boss is a total douche who makes us work long hours without extra pay, and some of the other waitresses are total bitches, always talking about me behind my back, especially Tanya and Holly. Well, what do I expect? An Asian moving all the way here in London alone is not going to be easy.

I refuse to ask my family for help, I will not go crawling back to them for help. I made the decision to come here alone, and I'm sticking to it. I will prove it to them I can actually succeed without them.

You see, my family is rather rich. It's always my dream to enrol in med school but my family had other plans for me. They wanted me to study business locally and help run the family business. But I don't want to, that's the last thing I want to do...! It's always been my dream to be a doctor. Well, either that or a ballet teacher and I'm not giving up my dreams to please my family.

So, I managed to secure a full scholarship for a medical course out here. Although everything is paid for through the scholarship, I need some money to spend on the side too. So I got a job here, at Dwayne's. Although my job seriously sucks, but I need the money, so, yeah, I don't have a choice.

I was serving in my usual section when these 5 weirdly dressed guys came in. Their clothes were definitely branded but they all dressed in such an odd manner that they all look like hobos. They were wearing shades, even though we were inside. Sorry, I know it's rude to comment on people like but I don't know how to describe them at the moment.

Since they choose to sit in my section, I had to serve them. Before I went over to them, I said a silent prayer to God.

Dear Father, please don't let these 5 guys be axe murderers. I still want to live. Please God, watch over me. I know this sounds ridiculous but better safe than sorry. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Hey, don't look at me like that....!

I've had weird men coming in and asking for my phone number or to go out with them later. Seriously, people like that freak me out like mad. I took a deep breath and walked over to them.

" Hello, my name is Siew Yong, and I'll be your waitress for today. What can I get you guys? "

" Everything. " The guy with the different accent quipped, Irish maybe?

The whole thing? Do they even have the money for it?

" Erm, do you have enough money to pay for it? I mean, the whole thing is not going to come in cheap. "

I asked them nicely, as not to sound rude, I mean they're customers after all.

That elicited enormous laughter from the boys. Okay...

One of the guys, the one who sounded the poshes among them told me with a smile. 

" Sure we do love. "

" Okay. So what do you guys want? " I got ready to jot down whatever they order, after taking down the Irishman's order of course.

" Bacon burger with everything, chips on the side. "

" Same here. "

" Me too. "

" Hamburger with chips on the side. " The guy who looked a little rough on the edges ordered.

I scribbles the orders as fast as I can. " Anything to drink? "

" Coke. "

" Make that 5. " 

" Okay. Your order will be up shortly. " I gave them a smile before heading back to the kitchen with their order.

I clipped the order to one of those clip thingies they have in the kitchen before heading back out. 

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