Date [ Niall Horan ]

303 11 5

* Nina's POV *

For the next couple of hours, we wandered around the broad walk, browsing through shops and stuff like that. But I can't really contain the excitement that's coursing through me.

I actually met Niall Horan, and we're going to see each other at the amusement park.

Probably anyway....

From what I've heard, that place is huge, and it's a miracle if we could actually see the same person twice in that place.

But now that I've got his number, things should be easier right?

The evening has set in. After a nice dinner at the nearby McDonald's we are now heading to the amusement park. As we were walking, I sent the number Niall left me a text.

From: Nina - Hey Niall, it's me, Nina. From Starbucks. We're almost at the place now. Where are you guys?

I took a while for me to get his reply.

To: Nina - Oh hey, Nina. We're already at the entrance. I was about to call you when I realized that I don't have your number. Thank God you texted instead.

I laughed at his reply as I looked up and saw 5 familiar figures waiting at the entrance.

From: Nina - I think I see 5 very weird looking people at the entrance, it's like they're waiting for someone. I wonder who they are....

I saw Niall checking his phone before looking up. He saw us standing a couple of feet from them, probably grinning like idiots because that exactly what I'm doing.

" Well well well, looked what we have here. I though you got snatched by some random mad man off the street and never to be seen again. " Louis commented.

Lex scoffed at him.

" Hah, that mad man would probably be you. "

They glared at each other before bursting into laughter. Everyone looked at them like they were crazy, which they probably are. Should I get worried and call the nearest mental institution now? They didn't stop laughing until Lex finally noticed that we were giving her the ' weirdo ' face.

She wiped the tears of mirth from her eyes and grinned at Louis. 

" You're not as bad as I thought Tomlinson. "

" Likewise. "

" Okay then. Let's go... " Liam shouted to no one in particular.

People were giving him the weird eye looks but he didn't care. My gosh, he looked so much like a little kid as he bounded up to the ticket counter to purchase our tickets.

" 7 adult tickets please. "

He handed the guy at the counter the money before coming back to us and handed us one each. He gave a little' pep talk ' before all of us could scramble away.

" Now, you can go wherever you want, as long as you stay in this park. Please be back here by, say 9.45. And be careful - ? "

" Yes, yes, we know. Can we go now? " Louis cut him off.

 Sheesh, they weren't kidding when they called him Daddy Direction. 

" Fine, who's going with who? " Liam sighed, obviously knowing that Louis won't listen to him any longer.

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