Lucky [ Louis Tomlinson ]

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* Amy's POV *

I was so happy when I received his text tonight. He's asking me to meet him at that bar near his flat, said that there was something important. Important? I seriously doubt it. Even a bloody Manchester United game is important to him. I'm not a fan of football, so that sums it up....

I'm so excited to see him, haven't seen him in months since he and the guys went on tour.

Who am I talking about, you may ask.

Well, I'm talking about my best friend of course, Louis Tomlinson.

Him and I have been friends, best friends in fact, since the day I spilled my mango smoothie on him. It was a terrible accident, mind you. I just moved to London, here to pursue my studies. For some reason, Starbucks was bloody crowded that day. I got my usual mango smoothie and turned around to leave. Instead, I slammed into this guy standing behind me, who was also claiming his drink. My cup of mango smoothie spilled on him and his cup of caramel macchiato spilled on me.

He removed the shades he was wearing and looked at me. He looked familliar to me though but I can't say from where. 

" Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. " He apologised as he grabbed a couple of napkins and handed them to me.

" No, it's my fault. I'm so sorry. "

" Oi! You two lovebirds, get your banter somewhere else! " Some guy shouted rudely at us.

I saw the guy shoot him a dirty look, and proceeded to pull me away to a less crowded corner of the cafe. He continued to pass me napkins to dry myself off. The fact that he was still not yelling at me for dirtying his shirt, which looked pretty expensive to me, made me feel pretty guilty.

" So sorry. I'm usually not so clumsy, but today, I don't know what happened to me. I so sorry. "

Instead of yelling at me, he just smiled.

" S'all right love. Everyone's got one of those days. I'm sorry for spilling that on you too. "

Even his voice strikes me as familiar. Damn, from where have I seen this guy...?

Wait, that's Louis Tomlinson!

" Woah, you're Louis Tomlinson. "

" Well, yeah. And you are? "

" Amy. Amy Wong. "

" Amy. That's a nice name. "

I smiled at him. " Thanks. "

" You're not British. You have an accent, but I can't tell where."

" Yeah, I come from Malaysia. "

" Malaysia? Been there once, it's nice. "

And that started the ball rolling. We just kept talking and talking, and in the end we exchanged numbers. From that moment on, we started calling and texting each other, meeting up for chats and stuff like that. 

I really don't know how we became best friends,  but there's just something about him that makes me trust him, which is kinda weird for me, since I don't really trust people that easily. We'd tell each other our problems and we'd try to solve them together. It's like no problem is too hard for us. I'd talk to him about what a jerk my ex-boyfriend was and he'd tell me about his life as a popstar. He was there through my break ups and when he split with Eleanor, I was with him through it all.

And to think of it, I was 19 when I met him. Now, I'm already 22...

I took a taxi to that bar near his place, Indiana. When I walked in, he was already on one of the stools with a bottle of beer in his hands. He smiled when he saw me walking towards him and place the bottle back on the table. He grabbed me into one of his vice tight hugs which usually squeezes the breath out of the person in question. I hugged him right back, inhaling the familiar smell of him.

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