Prologue: Arrival and Lost!

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A five-year-old girl who has elbow length black-blue hair and with deep sky-blue mixed of dodger-blue eyes fill with excitement. She was wearing royal blue dress with white flower pattern at the bottom, a red vest over the top, a pair of red sandals and a white straw hat with long pink ribbon wrapped around it. She was on a boat enjoying the breeze of the ocean blowing, soon the boat arrived at a island.

The little girl name is Takuya Aurora Sky or Aura for short, her father Judai Red Sky named her, he thought that it would be unique for a girl to have a boy's name.

Takuya and her mother Aerith Sky stepping off the boat and onto one of the Orange Islands called Kumquat Island. Daisuke's mother had won a ticket to one of their luxurious hotels. Aerith thought that it would be delightful to have a vacation once in a while.


Takuya had loved the boat ride over to the island, she saw many unique water Pokémon and even had a young adventures Lapras that had played ball with her from the ocean for a day, then it had to leave when its pod came and got it.

Takuya saw many tropical birds and some Pidgey and Pidgeot when they got close to the island, and she promise herself to catch and train a Pidgey into one of the magnificent birds so they could fly together seeing the world from sky view.


Takuya held her mothers hand as they walked into the lobby of their hotel, she loved around while her mother talked to the manager of the hotel, she spotted a humanoid-like structure Pokémon and large mustache. Its snout is long and thin, and it has long, ear-like spikes extending from the back of its head. It has brown armor-like sections over its chest, shoulders, forearms and knees, which cover its yellow skeletal body. There are three toes on each foot, each of which has a white claw and it wields a silver spoon in each hand.

Alakazam was floating sitting indian style with it's eyes closed nearby and Takuya titled her head at it curious, she let go of her mothers hand and walked towards the Pokémon.

"Aura dear, don't go to far okay?" Aerith said.

"Okay mum." Takuya replied.

She looked up at the floating Pokémon, "How are you doing that?" She asked.

One of the Pokémon eyes peeked opened and looks at her, then smiles at the child. "It's because I'm a Alakazam a psychic type. I am able to move things with my mind, young one." He said telepathy.

Takuya eyes widen, when she heard him talk. "Woah, thats so cool buddy. Its nice to meet you Alakazam, I'm Takuya Sky." She introduced then she heard her mum calling her. "I gotta go, I hope we meet again. While I'm here that is, bye." Takuya waved and jogged away and took her mothers hand again, whiling waving to the Psi Pokémon.

Takuya soon had all her clothes put away, she and her mother went straight to the beach, which she dove into the water with her mother stayed on shore on a beach towel reading a novel, that Takuya didn't like because it was a romance novel.

Throughout the day Takuya played with many of the water Pokémon that came close to the shore, mainly the two odd colour Magikarp; shiny and black, a white Feebas, some Krabby, Shellder, Qwilfish, Corsola and Remoraid, even some Horses joined in.

Magikarp is a medium-sized fish Pokémon with large, heavy golden-yellow scales. It has large, vacant eyes and yellow lips. Its pectoral and tail fins are white, but it has a stiff, three-peaked fin on its back and stomach that are both yellow. It also has long tan barbels, indicating that its a male.

Magikarp is a medium-sized fish Pokémon with large, heavy blackish scales. It has large, vacant eyes and grey lips. Its pectoral and tail fins are white, but it has a stiff, three-peaked fin on its back and stomach that are both yellow. It also has long white barbels, indicating that it's a female.

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