[004] Viridian Forest; Challenge of the Samurai!

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After leaving Viridian City, Takuya arrived in a forest which is called the Viridian Forest home to the Bug-type Pokémon.

"This place is cool, look at all the bug Pokémon." Takuya said looking around seeing if she can spot any interesting Pokémon.

Takuya saw many different bug Pokémon, but one caught her attention it was a bipedal, insectoid creature. It is primarily green with cream accents between its body segments. On the back of its somewhat reptilian head are three points, and it has narrow eyes. Its forearms consist of large, white scythes, which it uses for hunting as well as fighting. On its thighs are spikes of fur, and it has three clawed toes on its large feet. Two pairs of cream-colored wings extend from its back.

Takuya pointed her Pokédex at it:
🔹Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon.
Its claws are sharp as swords, and it is a powerful flyer. This Pokémon is rarely seen by humans and almost never captured.

"I'm up for catching a Scyther, their rare and hard to find." Takuya smiled, "Ran I need your help." She released her playful monkey Pokémon from her Pokéball.

"Monferno." Niran said happily.

"Scyther." The wild Scyther got into its fighting stance with its large scythes ready to cut.

Scythers scythe glowed purple and it flew towards Niran, preparing to hit the monkey Pokémon.

"Thats double hit. Quick Ran dodge than fire blast pin point!" Takuya called.

Niran jumped to the side to dodge the twin scythe, when the wild turned around to try again, Niran quickly blow a kanji fire from her mouth directly at Scyther stomach.

The fire was instant making the wild Scyther panting heavily trying to gather up its strength to fight part.

"Ran use mach punch."

Niran ran with her fist glowing white and she punch Scyther on the stomach, making the wild green mantis faint.

"Go Pokéball." Takuya tosses an empty Pokéball at it and it was caught.

"That was a strong Scyther." Tsuki commented. "It was still able to move after that punch."

Takuya nodded agreeing, "Yeah."

Takuya released Scyther to heal him with a hyper potion and he was fully recovered, she returned him after with Niran back to their Pokéballs.

Scyther is named Kardos meaning 'Sword'.

Then they heard some from the bushes, Takuya quietly move to the bushes and saw a green chrysalis cocoon with large oval yellow outer and black pupils eyes.

Takuya pointed her Pokédex at it:
🔹Metapod, the Cocoon Pokémon.
The evolved form of Caterpie. Using a hard shell to protect its body, it prepares for its next evolution.

"Might as well catch it, two butterflies are better than one." Takuya took out a Pokéball and threw it at the green cocoon Pokémon, the Pokémon was suck in the Pokéball when it hit it and it was caught with a struggle.

Metapod is named Nova meaning 'Butterfly'.

Takuya hummed and check both Pokémon.

🔹Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon.

Type: Bug and Flying Type

Gender: Male

Known Moves: Leer, Quick attack, Focus Energy, Vacuum Wave, Cut, Slash, Double Hit, Agility and Wing attack.

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