[003] Viridian City; Pokémon Centre Battle against Team Rocket!

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Upon arriving in Viridian City, a blue haired woman wearing a police uniform confronted Takuya and her Pokémon. Takuya instantly recognised her as one of the hundreds of Officer Jenny's spread throughout all the regions, she finds it odd how all Jenny's look alike in every way.

"Halt!" Officer Jenny stopped them.

Takuya pulled the reins on Brisa gently to stop her, "Is there something wrong Officer Jenny?" She asked.

"Yes, can I see your ID to prove that those Pokémon are yours."

"Sure." Takuya pulled out her icy blue Pokédex and showed Officer Jenny. "Here."

"I am Dexter. A Pokédex programmed by Professor Oak for Pokémon Trainer Takuya Aurora Sky of Pallet Town. My function is to provide Takuya with information and advice regarding Pokémon and their training. I will teleport back to my owner, if I am lost or stolen I cannot be replaced." Dexter informed in a mechanical voice and showed a picture of Takuya and her Pokémons.

Officer Jenny nodded after checking the Pokédex, "Okay your clear. Sorry about this, but there is a group of criminals called Team Rocket on the loose somewhere in this area and you look suspicious with your Pokémons outside it's Pokéball." She said.

"Sorry Officer Jenny, I just wanted to help Brisa here have some exercise while these two here love to ride on my shoulder." Takuya said sheepishly.

"Thats alright but be careful of Team Rocket now. You may go." Officer Jenny stepped to the side.

"Thank you." Takuya gently tugged on the reins for Brisa to continue on.

"Team Rocket huh?" Yami said, "Sounds like theres going to be trouble in this city."

"Yeah." Takuya agreed with Yami words.

When Takuya arrived at the Pokémon Centre, she hopped of Brisa and petted her thanking for the ride before returning her back to her Pokéball.

Takuya walked up to the counter, "Nurse Joy, would you please heal my Pokémons please?"

Nurse Joy is a young woman with pink hair that is in two loops, with blue eyes and wears a nurse uniform.

"Of course." Nurse Joy smiled and pressed a button on her desk.

A moment later, a pink, ovoid Pokémon, there are three hair-like growths on the sides of its head, tipped with a darker shade of pink. On the center of its belly is a dark pink pouch that contains a single white egg. Its arms are stubby, and it has small, dark pink feet. Additionally, it has a short tail. It came out of the back room, pushing a cart with several indentations for the Pokéballs and padded seat for a small Pokémon to sit on.

"Chansey." It said.

Takuya checked the Pokémon on her Pokédex.
🔹Chansey, the Egg Pokémon.
The evolved form of Happiny. Chansey is a kind Pokémon who shares its egg with those who are sick or injured.

"Tsuki you should get yourself heal, after all you used a lot of energy using heal bell and heal pulse on Tyrell and Kim today." Takuya reasoned.

Tsuki nodded and jumped from Takuya's shoulder onto the cart while, Takuya places her five other Pokéballs on it.

"Chansey." Chansey walked away with Takuya's Pokémon.

After giving Nurse Joy her Pokémons, Takuya decide to hit the PokéMart first, she brought some more potions and antidotes, in case of emergency and stocked up on some Pokémon food.

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