[018] The Mystery Ghost of Maiden Peak

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As walking along the way to Takuya next gym, she soon came to a place called Maiden's peak.

"Hey, I heard of this place," Takuya said, "they say a woman died here and became part of the cliff here. They even say her spirit still haunts this place."

"Wow really mother?" Koyuki asked.

"Well that's what the story says about it."

Yami then saw a pretty woman, with light purple hair on the docks, he found her very pretty and a bit strange at the same time, but what he didn't know was that pretty woman was actually a Ghost Pokémon in disguise.

'That woman is odd.' Yami thought.


Takuya looked round and saw that a festival was going on.

One of the residents explained; "This is our end of summer year festival. We always have one every year to celebrate the end of summer and our legend of the ghost of Maiden's peak."

While Takuya enjoyed the festival, she also heard the story about the maiden of Maiden's peak.

The story was two thousand years ago, men from Kanto were sent away to war. The maiden, from Maiden's peak, was in love with one of the soldiers and waited for him to return on the cliff, but her lover never returned, they say he died in that war.

The maiden never believed that and waited for him to return for the rest of her life and they say that when she died her body became one with the cliff and they also say that her spirit still waits for her lover.

Apparently the end of summer year festival was also the anniversary of when the soldiers left for war.


Takuya also found out that tomorrow night, the people of Maiden's peak would be sending out candles on paper lanterns onto the ocean.

The candled lanterns were to help lost spirits find their way.


That evening Takuya was resting in the Pokémon Centre.

"I keep thinking about that story, it's sad that maiden never got to live the rest of her life with the one she loved." Koyuki frowned.

"You know what, I just remembered something." Takuya said as she took out a small brown box and a journal book from her backpack, in the brown box was a very old ring, with a purple stone. "Professor Oak told me about this. A man named Yamato from Pallet Town was in that war two thousand years ago. He survived and when he returned home he wrote about it on some parchments. He even wrote that he made friends with the soldier that the maiden fell in love with." She explained.

"Are those parchments still around?" Yami asked.

Takuya shook her head, "Not really, those parchments worn a very long time ago, but his story was kept from scrolls to books. This journal that I have is about his story."

"Oh, wow. Does it say anything about the maiden's lover mother?" Koyuki asked.

"Yes I does actually." Takuya answered, "The truth was her lover was killed in that war. Before he died he asked Yamato to give the ring to his lover."

"But how come you have it mother and it's not with the maiden?"

"Well, about that... Yamato said that after he returned home to Pallet Town he became dreadfully ill," Takuya explained, "and they say he died not long after. So it must mean that Yamato's friends and families never knew who the ring belonged to, his ring and story had been in a monument for him and the other soldiers of Kanto ever since."

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