[022] Gringey City; Polluted Problem & Purple Sludge?

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As travelling Takuya came to a place called Gringey City, she and her Pokémons didn't like Gringey City because it was a really polluted place and thick grey smoke was rising in the air and the water was also badly polluted.

"I don't like this place," Koyuki said with a frown, "it's filthy and polluted and there's a real stentch in the air."

"I agree," Yami said, "and there seems to be nothing but factories and no people are about."

Takuya was reading the information on Gringey City, "Listen to this, it says that Gringey City was originally bustling with activity, but the city eventually over-expanded the factories and power plants, resulting in the town becoming virtually abandoned as well as the sea nearby becoming polluted." She read out.

"Woah, guess to factory took over the city." Yami said and groaned, "Can we find the Pokémon Centre fast because my gut is telling me that this isn't a safe place."

"Yeah." Takuya said and quickly walked to the Pokémon Centre location right away.


It was quite late when Takuya reached the Pokémon Centre, so Nurse Joy was not happy with her being out so late.

Takuya quickly booked a room and went to bed.

"You know for once I'm glad to be inside, rather than outside." Yami said laying down on the bed.

"So am I," Koyuki agreed, "the sights and smells of this place made me feeling sick."

"I say we should leave immediately as soon as daylight hits." Takuya said.

"I agree." Koyuki and Yami nodded.

Just then all the lights in the Pokémon Centre went off.

"What's happened? A black out all the sudden?" Takuya frowned.

Takuya went to see what's happened when they saw Nurse Joy looking worried and upset because were some Pokémon in incubators and without the power the Pokémon were in trouble.

"If the power doesn't come on soon," Nurse Joy said worriedly for the Pokémon, "the Pokémon might die."

"Don't worry Nurse Joy, I'll go and found out the problem." Takuya offered.

"Thank you."


Takuya left the Pokémon Centre, to found out what happen to the lights, she went to Officer Jenny Office immediately.

"Officer Jenny, we have a problem." Takuya said, "The Pokémon Centre got a black out and if the power don't come back soon the Pokémon there will die."

"Thats the problem, I've been trying to contact the Power Plant since the black out, but no one is answering." Officer Jenny told her.

Takuya thought for a second, "Officer Jenny where is the Power Plant located?" She asked.

Officer Jenny pointed to a the factory area, "It's over here, you really can't miss it. Its the biggest one."

"Thank you." Takuya said and ran off to the Power Plant location.


It didn't take Takuya long to find the Power Plant; the Power Plant was the biggest building in Gringy City.

The Power Plant had big chimneys with lots of thick smoke coming out.

"Something tells me this is where most of the pollution is from." Takuya said looking at the factory.

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