[016] Escaping the Sunken St.Anne Ship

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While Takuya was unconscious, the trainers watched the S.S. Anne sink from big waves, while on the life boats and no one knew that one trainer was still on board the ship.

Three of Takuya's Pokéballs shook themselves and revealed a worried Ninetales, along with two other Pokémon.

Seraphina spotted Takuya lying on the floor unconscious, she quickly ran off and gently nudge her, "Kit wake up." She said.

"Mother please wake up." Koyuki shook her mother.

Takuya groaned and got up, "Ugh, what happened?" She asked holding her head.

"Well I remember is that the S.S. Anne was starting to sink so... the ship sank." Yami answered.

"I remember now, I got knocked out by the other Pokémon trainers." Takuya said looking outside the ship window seeing water Pokémon swimming, "Thats not good."

"Over here kit look." Seraphina said pointing to a diagram of the ship on the wall upside down.

"Its the diagram and structure of the S.S Anne." Takuya said examining it, "Can it be removed?"

"Yes." Seraphina said and she slash the glass removing the diagram from the display case.

"Amazing. I find it how much they spent on this." Takuya said looking at the diagram, "Well according to this map we can to hand to the bottom of the ship. Since its upside down that is."

With Takuya lending the way, they tried to find a way out, even if S.S. Anne was at the bottom of the sea.


The ship had been turned upside down, so they were walking on the ceiling, not the floor. They reached a flight of stairs, but water was leaking into the ship.

"When we sent Team Rocket away from the ship, it must have made a big hole." Takuya explained.

"Now what should we do?" Yami said, "We can't breath underwater."

"Maybe Mesi and Nav can help us." Takuya said and released her seal and turtle Pokémon. "Mesi, Nav can you two go and see if there is a way for us to get out of this boat."

"Squirtle!" "Seel!" They both nodded.


Arnav and Mesi swam everywhere in the under deck and checked every nook and cranny for a way out, but they couldn't find anything.

Arnav and Mesi where both about to go back and tell their trainer the bad news, when they saw something, they found a Pokémon egg in an incubator and floating next to them where bunch of Pokéballs in a net.

The two water Pokémon both looked at each other and nodded, they both picked up an item each, Mesi picked up the incubator and Arnav picked the net of Pokéballs.


"Uncle Arnav and aunt Mesi has been gone for some time." Koyuki said, as they had been waiting the two water Pokémon information.

"I wonder if they have found anything." Takuya said.

Just then Takuya seal and turtle Pokémon both popped out of the water holding something with them.

"There you two are." Takuya said relief and she saw the egg on Mesi's back. "What's that?"

"Squirtle!" Arnav said holding a bunch of Pokéballs.

"They must've been stolen before the commotion started." Seraphina said. "Now they forgotten about them."

Takuya saw the egg, "I recognize that egg," she said, "this egg was on the lottery stand if the Maze game. It must have gotten left behind in the confusion." She took the incubator from Mesi, took out the egg and inspected it. "Nothing looks wrong and water didn't get into the incubator either."

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