[022] HopHopHop Town; Missing Childern and Psychic Waves

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Takuya came to a city/ town with tall skyscrapers and apartments.

"Wow, this town is amazing." Yami said, "Especially with all the skyscrapers around."

"Mother, where are we?" Koyuki asked.

Takuya looked at the map, "Well, its says here where in HopHopHop Town."

"That's a funny name for a town." Koyuki giggled and she froze looking around, "Something is not right here?"

Takuya looked at her emanation Pokémon, "What do you mean?" She asked.

They discovered that Koyuki was learning to use her aura abilities within her, she was trying to master aura sphere as well, even though Riolu can't only went they evolve into Lucario they can but she hasn't given up at all and Koyuki wanted to be able to use aura sphere.

"I'm sensing something weird in the air."

"In the air huh?" Takuya questioned.

Just then they heard a woman shouting, "Arnold! Arnold!"

"Wonder what happened?" Yami asked.

"Don't know but lets asked." Takuya replied and started to walk over to the woman.


The woman explained that her son, Arnold was missing and had been missing for three whole days. "My son isn't the only one who's missing." She pointed to a wall that had a long row of pictures of children, "Those children have been missing for three days as well."

"Woah."  Koyuki said, "That's a lot of missing kids."

"You said it." Yami added.

Takuya silently watched the woman and she reminded her of your mother back at Pallet Town.

"Don't worry ma'am." Takuya said to her, "I'm sure Arnold will come home."

The woman thanked her for the kind words and left.


"Don't you think that its weird that those children just got up and disappeared all the sudden." Yami explained, "I think that something is causing all of this."

Takuya nodded, "I agree, but what could it be."

Then Takuya saw Officer Jenny and asked her if she had seen any of the missing children, "No I haven't," she sighed, "and I've been looking for them these past three days. I don't suppose you've noticed anything have you young lady?"

"Well not me but my Pokémon has."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Officer Jenny asked.

"It's me." Koyuki spoke up all the sudden startling Officer Jenny, "Sorry. Back to business, is that I'm sensing a lot of... electro magnetic waves around the town."

Officer Jenny sighs and snapped out off the shock, "I don't know about that, but I'm going to see Nurse Joy now, if you wish to join." She offered.

Takuya nodded and followed Officer Jenny into the Pokémon Centre.


They were asking Nurse Joy if she had seen the children, but she hadn't.

The thing was Nurse Joy had her hands full, the Pokémon in the Pokémon Centre were acting strange.

The Pokémon in the Pokémon Centre had been very weak and worn out for three days.

Both Oddish and Cubone looked like their energy had been drained.

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