❄️ Side Story: Memories! Returning Home!

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It has been 8 years since Takuya befriends with Ninetails, Zorua, Skitty, two Gyarados and a white Milotic, they saved her from the ocean. Since that day, they all started with her and her mother, they refuse to leave her alone or be separated from Takuya, of course nobodies knows expect for her mother and Professor Oak.

Professor Oak has found out that Skitty and Zorua can use telepathy but not as much as their mother and they know usual moves with was odd for there species.

The two Gryarados was calm and gentle but fierce when Takuya is in danger or hurt or they think she is in danger or hurt.

Milotic, the Professor didn't know what to describe her she was beautiful, rare and calm but she will attack the saw way as the Gyarados'.

Takuya two Gyarados which her mother suggested to name them all if she wants to, she names the Red Gyarados Triton meaning 'Messenger of the Sea' and the Aqua Blue Gyarados is named Mystic due to her mythical colours, she is.

Milotic is named Pluvia meaning 'Rain in Latin'.

Ninetails is Seraphina or Sera meaning 'Burning Fire'.

Zorua is Yami 'Darknesss'.

Skitty is Tsuki 'Moon'.

----•• START OF MEMORIES ••----

Takuya smiled at all the memories she remembered four years ago, when she was 6-years-old, she and her mom went to Sinnoh for a visit of a place called Alamos Town, it was famous for Space-Time towers. She learnt a leaf song called Oracian, from a girl she meet named Alice, who said that Takuya was a fast learner and she discovered that their was a Legendary Pokémon known as Darkari here in the town.


Takuya laughed when she remembers a long memory of meeting Flint and Volkner in the garden, when she was resting or taking a break from playing with her Pokémon. She first saw one blonde and the other one was a red hair, the two were arguing a lot. Tayuka and her Pokémon twitched when they were all trying to rest, she had enough and played the Oracion to calm them down.

It worked, so Takuya introduced herself to the two once she finished the song and somehow Takuya ended up in a battle, her first ever battle against the blonde.

Of course Takuya was nervous, but she chose her Gyarados; Triton which startle Volkner and Flint, since they've never seen a rare shiny Pokémon before and its a dangerous one.

They watched in shock as the red Gyarados curled up around the child and she talked to the serpent explaining him the situation that's happening, the large snake turned to them by the end with a determent glint in its eyes and Volkner gulped what had he gotten himself into.

Triton won against the blondes Luxio, Triton listened to Takuya's every command and the blue-dark blue eyed girl command him well and to say that the two trainers where shocked.

After the battle Takuya took the two to the playground and let out all her Pokémon out, Ninetails immediately growls at the two teens who backed away slowly from the fire fox Pokémon, she huffs and goes to nuzzle Zorua and Skitty.

The teens stare at the two Gyarados, the kid didn't have one Gyarados but two and they were both rare colours and they listened to her, not only that but she also has a protective Ninetails, Skitty and Zorua.

What shocked them the most was the rare beautiful white Milotic and a Zorua.

Volkner and Flint decide to let their Pokémon out for some fun, soon everyone fell victims to the warm day and cool breeze, they including the Pokémon all fell asleep under the nice shady tall big tree.

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