[002] Beginning of the Pokémon Journey and Catching New Pokémon!

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Before long Takuya and her Pokémons came into a small forest, filled with trees and flying Pokémon, land Pokémons all around.

"Well guys, this is our first step on our journey." Takuya smiled, "So your all ready?"

"Of course we are Aura!" Tsuki said excitedly, while the rest nodded.

"Then lets go!"

As Takuya and her Pokémon were walking down the road leading to Viridian City, she saw a medium, plump-bodied avian Pokémon. It is primarily brown with a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. Both its feet and beak are a pinkish-gray color. It has black, angular markings around its eyes and a small crest of brown and cream feathers above its eyes, it was perched upon a branch of a tree.

Takuya quietly gasped in shocked when she saw that the Pidgey was nearly twice the size of a normal Pidgey, indicating it was truly one of a kind of its species.

Takuya checked her Pokédex:
🔹Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokémon.
If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than pick a fight.

"Alright, lets get a new friend from here." Takuya said, "Hey Tsuki up for a battle?"

"Always." Tsuki ran in front of the wild Pidgey.

The wild Pidgey saw this and was prepared to fight back, it charge in with its wings glowing metallic.

"Rather than pick a fight. Yeah right." Yami said sarcastically, "It pick a fight rather quickly."

"Woa, thats a steel wing." Takuya said, "Tsuki use iron tail to counter the steel wing."

Tsuki tails glowed and charged in with its tail and hit the wing of the wild Pidgey, making it recoil back and hit the tree trunk.

"Go Pokéball!" Takuya tossed a Pokéball at the wild Pidgey, the Pokéball hit it and the Pokémon was suck into it.

Ding. It was caught.

"Yes! We caught a Pidgey!" Takuya cheered. "Alright guys this is our first step of making new friends and lets catch ourselves some more."

"Lets." Yami and Tsuki nodded confidently.

When Takuya was about to say something else she heard a noise.

"PIKA!" "WUR!"

"Did you hear that?" Takuya asked her two Pokémon.

Yami nodded, "Yeah, we did its coming from the forest."

"Aura we better hurry and find out." Tsuki said immediately, "I have a bad feeling about this."

Takuya nodded, "Your not the only one." She grabbed a Pokéball, "Brisa!" She released her fire horse Pokémon.

Brisa had reins on her, Professor Oak gave Takuya the reins so she could ride Brisa and the rein grow when Brisa evolved into Rapidash.

Bria came out and she neighed happy to be out.

"Brisa." Takuya jumped onto the back of her fire horse and grabbed the reins with Tsuki and Yami on her shoulders, "Brisa we heard some Pokémon crying from the forest." She pointed, "There in trouble hurry."

Brisa nodded and ran really fast in the direction her trainer pointed, she galloped for 10 minutes till they reach a flock of brown avian Pokémon that is very small. It has rough, brown plumage on its head with a short, hooked beak. Its underside is beige with two thin stripes and its light pink feet have three talons, and its wings are a pinkish red with lighter edges. Its back is black, and it has three brown tail feathers.

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