Chapter 25 - Impossible

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We were all sitting in the palace as I told everyone the sad event. We were all in the great hall dressed in black. We had a picture of dawn in the centre of the great hall and we were all around it. Clarisse, dawn's sister was on the ground with her hands on her face. She was crying.

Dusk was behind her with his hands on her shoulders. She placed one hand on dusk hand before she grabbed a lit candle she had an placed it in the ring of the other candles.

I heard all of dawns other friends cry too but I was next to my mother while she cried. The men just bowed their heads though.

I looked at my mother and hugged her. She hugged me and so did my sisters who were right next to me.

We all hugged each other before we looked at dawns picture an bowed. We all left the great hall as I walked over to the window and flew out of it to my room.

I flew up an landed on the balcony. I was looking at dawn's room and I just imagined her standing there. Smiling at me an telling me that she loves me. I walked passed her bed an into my room. I closed my door and took my black suit off.

I had my black tie on but I didn't bother to take it off. The werewolf's were going to stay with us now. They couldn't go back down to the surface without dawn.

But then I saw the sun set an the bright sky becoming black. I looked at the stars an saw them glow. I always thought that each star was a life lost. That every person who has died would then live up in the night sky with all the other stars. But now im not so sure.

But then I heard someone knocking at the door. I looked at it and I told the person to come in. I looked down an saw Jessica in her little night gown looking at me.

"Hey Jessica whets wrong".

"I can't sleep, usually I would sleep with dawn but". I smiled sadly before I patted the spot next to me on the bed. She walked over to me an sat down. She lay down on the bed and I pulled the sheet over her. I wasn't even going to bother sleeping tonight.

I looked up at the stars an saw them shimmer with the moon light. But then I heard something ring. I looked around my room until I found out that it was coming from dawn's room. I followed the noise until I looked down an saw that it was dawns phone.

I picked it up and saw that it was anonymous. I pressed the accept button an answered it.

"Hello this is dawn's phone".

"Hello yes this is lieutenant homton here who am I speaking too."

"Im Lysander dawns boyfriend". Ok so I lied so what.

"Oh hi yes um we would like to tell you that we have cleared off the fire that your girlfriend was in an...."


"And well something strange is wrong because you see she hasn't died. She was burnt but she is alive. She is in critical condition but we have sent her to the local hospital in Brisbane". An when he said that it made me hang up an grab my jacket. I quickly woke up Jessica an she shot up straight away.

"Lysander what's wrong".

"Dawns alive". She gasped before she jumped out of the bed and I caught her. We both flew down and we first went into dusk room.

"Dusk get up" but we saw he was asleep. I rolled my eyes and placed Jessica on the ground. I walked over to dusk an slapped him in the face which caused him to wake up.

"What the hell mate".

"Dawns alive". He shot out of the bed an into the bathroom to get changed. That was quick. I quickly told everyone else before we all went into the garage and went into the cars. My mother and father went into their white SUV while I jumped onto my motorbike with Nathan and Simon, yes I know all of dawn's friend and relatives. Antonio and dusk went into a new white jeep while Christina, Clarisse, Ashley, Loren and Susan went into a white Ute which had in the back section of the car seats.

We all started our vehicles and we started off. We took the long way down to the surface before we hit the ground an started our journey to the hospital.


We all parked our vehicles in the underground parking lot and ran up the stairs to the hospital. I was in the lead while dusk was behind me and the others. I was going to go to the front desk while the others wait in the waiting room.

They did so an I was about to run to the front desk before dusk pulled me back.

"Im dawns mate Im the one who asks about her". He ran off towards the front desk while I was standing in the middle of the hallway. I slowly turned around and walked into the waiting room.

I saw the others sitting down waiting but I just took a seat next to the door. I just sat there thinking about dawn. I can't believe she survived two crashes in the past 2 months. But then I heard dusk running down the hallway. I opened the door an looked down. I though he was about to run to the cars but he took a left instead of a right.

I know what he was doing. He knew where dawn was. I ran down the hallway with him an I was hot on his tail until he turned into a room an stopped. He smiled as he ran inside.

I slowly walked near the door and I looked inside. I was about to cry with joy when I saw dawn on the hospital bed. Eyes closed but still breathing.

I saw dusk sitting in a chair next to her while holding her hand. I slowly walked over to dawn an looked down at her. She looked so peaceful with her eyes closed and she was slowly breathing.

I ran my hand down her face but then I heard dusk growl but I just ignored it. I looked at her hands an saw that they were burnt. I gently grabbed one of her hands and gave it a little squeeze. I smiled as I saw dawn breath in deeply but she didn't do anything. I sighed an gently let go of her hand. I looked at dusk an saw him looking at dawn.

I smiled sadly before I walked closer to the door but then I heard a small, fragile gasp. I turned around and saw dawns mouth opened bit an her eyes barely open.

"Hey dawn". She looked at dusk and gave him a little smile before I saw her trace his face with her finger gently.

"Hi dusk". Her voice was so quiet. You could barely hear her. I saw her with dusk as she held his hand and smiled at him. I smiled to her. She looked so happy with dusk.

I slowly walked out of the door an down the hallway. I was think about how happy dawn looked when she was around dusk than me. I knew that she looked happier with him than me. I knew she loved him more.

I walked down the hallway an into the waiting room. I saw everyone stand up. I whispered to Antonio dawns room number before. He signalled everyone to follow him. Everyone did so an so I was left alone in the waiting room.

I looked around for a bit before I sighed. I knew I would have to leave dawn. If I did she would be able to have a better life with dusk. I slowly walked out of the waiting room an down the hallway. I looked down the left an saw dawns room. I could see everyone with her and she was smiling an being happy.

I smiled but I knew she couldn't see me. I walked to the right an down the hallway until I came to the staircase to go back down the stairs. I followed them down but then stopped when I heard someone calling to me. I looked up and saw Clarisse there.

"Lysander where are you going".

"Home, dawn will have a better life with dusk than me. If I leave her be she will be able to have that life with dusk".

"Don't you dare say that Lysander? Dawn needs you too".

"No she doesn't".

"Yes she does. Listen Lysander ever since I came here she has been talking nonstop about how she loves you. But she also loves dusk too but she just doesn't know who to love more. I know she loves you more but she just doesn't want to show it. Dawn will die if she doesn't see you again soon."

I stood there thinking about what Clarisse just said. Dawn loves me. She really loves me. I sighed before I looked up at Clarisse. She offered me her hand an so I looked at it for a while before I took it and we both ran up the stairs.

Dawn of a rebellion book 2 - the vampire ageWhere stories live. Discover now