Chapter 8 - The bike pack from hell

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Well well if it isn’t my big brother dusk. Nice to see you again”. I was shocked at this point. This was dusk brother. He never told me he had a little brother. But before I could question dusk grabbed me an held me behind him an started to growl at his brother.

“Aiden what are you doing here”. He shrugged his shoulders an jumped off the table.

“You kicked me out of the pack an so I had to move somewhere and so I moved here to Perth but I think I should be the one asking you that question because you are on my land.”

“Since when were you an alpha”.

“Ever since I defeated the alpha of this bike pack”. I heard about bike packs. They were wolves who ride motorbikes around the world. Usually they can claim whatever land they want an use it as there sleeping area for a few days. I guess the Aiden was now the leader of this gang.

“Now what do we have here I see you have found your mate big bro”. He was looking at me but dusk kept on hiding me. I tried to look over but dusk would just growl when I did so I just sank back behind him.

“Oh come on cant I just have a little look at her”.

“Not after you killed your own mate you were declared a danger to us”. I heard Aiden chuckle then something swoosh past me. I looked over dusk an saw that Aiden wasn’t there anymore. I felt dusk hold onto me tightly causing me to trip a bit. I heard him growl an then I looked back at the others an saw they were all looking around too. I know im the high queen but this Is ridiculous.

I then heard a rush go by me and my hair was then flying passed me. But then I saw all of the other members of the pack missing too. We all looked around but we couldn’t see them. We all huddled together an formed a circle. I quickly grabbed my gun from my belt an loaded it.

We all looked around and I heard the boys grabbing their guns. I then heard Ashley scream and we looked to where she was but we saw she was gone.

“ASHLEY WHERE ARE YOU”. We didn’t hear anything but an evil laugh. We all looked around and then I heard Clarisse scream. I looked to her but she was gone too. We all looked around but they weren’t anywhere. But then I heard Christina scream an she was gone too. Susan and I were the only girls left standing. 

I cleared my hair away from my ear an closely tried to hear everything. But then I heard rushing feet going in Susan’s direction. I quickly acted an pushed Susan to the ground an someone tripper over me. I looked an saw one of Aiden’s boys on the ground. But before I could do anything someone picked me up an I felt the air rush past me. I tried to scream but someone had their hand over my mouth. . I looked up and saw Aiden smiling at me. I tried to get away but I felt his other hand holding me by my waist.

“So big bro how does it feel to lose your mate now.” I looked around and then I saw dusk below me. I heard Aiden laugh evilly an saw dusk trying to find me. But then I saw dusk smile. What the hell was wrong with him?

“Yea Aiden but there is one thing you don’t know about my mate”. I knew what he was doing now.

“An what is that”.

“She is the high queen”. I jabbed my elbow into his rib causing him to stagger a bit which then gave me the chance to grab his wrist and threw him over my back an fall onto the table below me. I saw dusk look up and I knew he saw me because he smiled up to me an held his arms out. I jumped down and he caught me bridal style. He smiled at me while a jumped down out of his grip. I flickered my eyes a bit before my wolf vision kicked in. I looked up at the roof an saw the men who were holding Clarisse, Ashley and Christina.

“Boys you might want to catch the girls quickly.” I saw dusk and the boys run to the place where I was looking an wait there. I nodded my head an looked back up at the men.  Grabbed three of my small daggers and threw them towards the men. They landed in there neck causing them to let go of the girls and they fell.

Dusk caught Clarisse and Simon caught Christina while Nathan caught Ashley.  The girls jumped down and we looked around the place. I heard some men growl then I heard them more clearly. They were right above me. I jumped up and kicked them off the roof. They fell on the ground and started to groan. I jumped down an landed there in a half spit. I looked at the men an saw keys on them. I grabbed three of them an walked over to the others.

“You boys know how to ride bikes don’t you”. They all nodded an I handed them each of them a key. I grabbed one more set an gave it to Christina. We all walked out of the hotel an tried to find the bikes. But then I grabbed one of the sets the boys were holding an clicked it. I heard a clicking sound an I turned around to see the bikes parked.

I pressed the mark on my palm and I pointed it at everyone. They boy’s clothes changed into a leather jacket with leather pants and boots with sunglasses and the girls outfits changed into a skinny leather jacket with leather leggings and leather high heel boots.

We all looked at the bikes an walked over to them. Nathan took his bike an Ashley sat on the back. Simon got one with Susan and Clarisse got one with Christina while I took one with dusk. I grabbed my shoulder bag an pulled out some helmets. I grabbed a green and red one for Ashley and Nathan. Blue and black for Simon and Susan and Christina and Clarisse had black ones with white patterns on them.

I got a white one for myself and a white and black one for dusk. We all strapped our helmets one and the boys and Christina started the bikes. Dusk pulled his sunscreen down which still showed his eyes. I pulled mine down and so did everyone else. Dusk looked at me smiling.

“You ready to ride”. I nodded an saw dusk smirk at me. He started to drive off the dirt path while I held onto his waist from behind. I looked back an saw the others behind us. We all smiled an kept on following the dirt path until we came to a highway and followed it. We all laughed at the feeling until I heard gunfire. I shrunk down an the bullet bounced off my helmet. I looked back an saw the other wolfs behind us. I saw Aiden with a mad look on his face looking straight at us. I saw him holding a gun and he shot it again. I ducked and the bullet bounced off my helmet again.

“Great there back.” I looked back again an saw that his bike was a bit weak on the side. I then remembered I had my gun an dusk had his. I grabbed my gun from my belt an dusk from his back pocket.

“What the hell are you doing”.

“Just trust me on this one. Guys get in front of us quickly”. They nodded an speeded pasted us. I placed my hand on dusk shoulder an spun around. I pointed the guns at Aiden’s bike but they didn’t hit anything until one of the bullets got his wheel and he spun out of control. He crashed into the other bikes and they exploded. I gasped as I saw the bikes go up in flames an tried to adjust to everything that just happened. I placed dusk gun back in his pocket and mine in my belt. I just wrapped my arms around dusk and felt his hand on mine. I rested my head on his back and we rode off to find our way back to Brisbane.

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